Friday, June 24, 2011


It's a good thing I only officially committed to daily updates for a week...I'm already a day behind, ha ha!

Thursday was overall a pretty blah day actually.

The picture above is Mav enjoying the ride to Nana's house.  I took him on my 'lunch break' so that Robbie could get to work without risk of a speeding ticket. :)  He loves going to both his Nana and Grandma's houses.  Whenever we pull up to either house, he points and squeals with delight.
(I think it might be the "secret" bites of ice cream going on)

Mav usually gets such a super report card when I pick him up, but Nana said that he was uncharacteristically fussy.  Not good!  As it would turn out...fussy would be the word of the evening.

The only task on the agenda for after work: grocery shopping.  If you're a loyal blog reader, you know that my typical grocery shopping strategy is writing out the needed items in order of the store layout to make the trip as quick and painless as possible.  Of course, the day that I don't have time to do it, Mav is in a funk.

So I literally packed a bag of out-of-the-ordinary tricks to keep him content.  Thankfully though, he wasn't bad. :)

Yes, I'm that mom.  I swore I'd never push my kid around in one of these carts.
(And, actually they are quite light and maneuverable!)

But really, if I was a kid...I'd want to drive one! 
Of course you know Mav's OBSESSION with driving cars, so he LOVES it! :)

Can you feel his smile?
Because that is how stinkin' happy he is when we let him sit in the driver's seat.
(Don't worry, no chance of the car turning on!)

It is pretty scary though that he knows he should change the gear....

Oh Maverick!
We have aspirations that you are going to be a rock star, left-handed pitcher for the Cardinals, or X-games athlete.  It's looking more and more like the latter...and I don't know how my nerves will hold up!

Once it was time to go inside, the screaming and whining commenced.
Until bedtime.
About every. little. thing.

And I ended up having to go to the grocery 11:00 that night.
I was pretty glad to have Thursday over with!

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