Saturday, June 25, 2011

First trip to the Library!

Saturday mornings are the best!  Cartoons and a bowl of cereal...and then just let the day happen. :)

I can't believe I haven't taken Maverick to the public library until today!  I guess I've just always been afraid that he would be too rowdy.  Until now, we've always had Borders to visit and a TON of books at home.  Seriously, I could open my own library!  Besides all the books that have been bought for us, I get a ton of children's books for free from my work.  Pretty great, I think!  Mav really likes the gigantic-size books I bring home from work.  They come from classroom sets, and the giant one is so the class can read it together.

After looking at the forecast, I decided to go to the park first before the storms came.  Plus, maybe he wouldn't be so crazy for the library. :)

As we were leaving, I saw my dad drive up behind me.  We live in the same subdivision so this happens sort of often. (By the way--living in the same subdivision as your parents is a GREAT idea when you have kids!)  It turned out that he was just running an errand, so he tagged along with us to the park.  Hoooooraaaaay!

Playing peek-a-boo with Grandpa!

Mav had to show off his expertise of spinning wheels.

Playing peek-a-boo with Grandpa again...can you sort of see him through the crack? :)

Jumping off the mountain! (It's a good thing Grandpa was there!)

We had so much fun at the park, Mav actually didn't fuss about leaving like he normally does.  He's totally going to be the kid who says, "Aw man! Five more minutes?!" when I call him in for dinner.

Then we headed over to the library!  I think the quietness was sort of intimidating because Mav clung to me very, very, tightly when we first walked in.  It took a few minutes for him to release the claws from my shirt, ha!  But as soon as we turned the corner to the kid's section he wiggled free and ran straight to this shelf.

He picked a book about baby animals.  He then promptly began removing all the books from the shelf, ha!

I started to feel bad about all the books on the floor because I didn't want a huge mess for the librarians to re-organize.  But then I noticed the label on the binding: B.  No Dewey Decimal system on these shelves, ha!  Only the first letter of the title of the book, so that it would be easy for parents to re-shelve.  Nice!

The only time Mav got to be a little loud was when he started making all the noises from the animals he saw in the books. :)

He was so excited to see one of these again!  Every time we went to Borders, we HAD to stop and play with the one in the children's section.  Now this one can fill the void.

Orca whale lounger. :)

Okay, I totally didn't pose him, I promise!!  He seriously stood in the middle of the room...glanced over all the shelves...and plopped down just like this.  I think he was a little overwhelmed with the decision of what book to pick next.  Too funny!

I think we'll be making the library a regular stop from now on. :)

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