Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Day in the Life of Us: Tuesday

I was reading one of my favorite blogs (Kelly's Korner) and she mentioned something about writing a "Day in the Life of Me" for a week, sometime soon on her blog.  Just for fun.

And I thought, hmmm...kinda sounds fun!

Just the remedy to spice up the blog a bit...maybe.  I don't even know why I blog anymore.  I started it before Facebook took over the world.  I guess it's just fun to occasionally ramble on about our simple, ordinary lives.  And maybe someone out there might read it to kill time I suppose.  So here goes...

(I feel its necessary to exclaimate Tuesday since it hardly ever gets celebrated)

--side note--I should probably try this again sometime in August when my work schedule goes back to normal, but for now this is our life. :)

(I probably won't be this elaborate next time...just giving a glimpse into our boring routine, ha!)
5:30 AM.  Snooze button!
5:37 AM.  Snooze button!!
5:45 AM.  Okay, okay.  I'm up.
6:15 AM.  My work day begins. Fortunately I literally live 2 minutes (with traffic, ha!) from work, so I can leave my house around 6:12 and be there on time.  This morning there is a beautiful thunderstorm on the horizon, Glenn Beck on FOX news radio (had to take Robbie's Jeep so he could keep the other Jeep with the carseat), and a mocha frappuccino I saved from last night in the cup holder.  I would love, love, LOVE to elaborate on my awesome job.  However, due to policy I'm forbidden to do so.  (which makes my job sound like a secret government conspiracy, hee hee!)  Let's just say this: I have the privilege to bring joy to other people's lives. :)

8:30ish AM.  I'm at work, but around this time Mav usually wakes up.
9:00 AM.  My "lunch" break.  Yep, my lunch break!  With the 2 minute commute, I get to go home! :)  When I get there, Mav is cuddling with Robbie on the couch and drinking milk.  Both of them need a really slow start to the day to function, ha!  Today is Robbie's day off, so there is no rush to help pack up Mav to visit one of the grandmas until I'm off work.  I can never, ever, ever, say enough how blessed we are that my mom and Robbie's mom watch Mav so that I can work.  I can't imagine him having to go to a daycare at such a young age.  His grandmas love him SO much and love on him SO much.  I could really go on, and ON about this since its a very tender spot in my heart.  I can't even tell you how much I want to be a stay-at-home-mom...more than anything almost.  I'm so jealous of SAHMs...but God has me in a different role right now, and I don't want to diminish that or miss the blessings He has poured upon me through my job.  Maybe someday!

10:00 AM to 3:15 PM. Work.  (Funny how SOOO much goes into those four letters!!)

3:17 PM.  Back home to my boys! See, I told you it was a short commute. :)
3:30 PM.  Robbie is going to go hang out with an old friend for a bit while Mav and I hit the grocery store.  I end up having to drop back by work, and when it's time to go, I can't get Mav to leave.  He loves it there!!!  We have all sorts of toys to play with and guinea pigs.  Guinea pigs!!
(p.s. Mav is going through this weird phase right now...or at least I hope its a phase!  He hates being put in his carseat.  SCREAMS his head off.  Because he wants to drive, not be in the backseat.  Seriously.  He loooooooooooves sitting in the driver seat and playing with the wheel and buttons.  I have no idea how to cure this!  But it's making me crazy!)
4:30 to 7:30 PM.  Playing with Mav!  Today we played mostly with his trucks and his NEW dinosaur he got from Robbie.  While I was at work, they went to an old time toy store and Robbie bought him his 1st dino.  Love it!  During all of this play, Maverick's whining starts to increase.  The smallest things are starting to make him throw mini-tantrums--mostly wanting to jump on mom & dad's bed and not being allowed.  Soooo...out of the house we must go!
7:30 PM.  Tuck Mav into the stroller and enjoy a reeeeeeeally long walk around the subdivision, on a really beautiful night!

9:00 PM.  Bath time!  I realize most kiddos are in bed by now.  We just enjoy our evenings with our kiddo a little too late I suppose.  We never hit the goal of bath by 8:30, ha!  Tonight is a soap night, so that means it's a little more exhausting.  Unless he's really dirty we only wash him with soap and shampoo every few days.  Mostly because of his sensitive eczema, and partly because babies don't need it that often.
9:30ish PM.  Mav is finished with his milk, cuddling with dad on the couch.  (Not a bad way to start and end the day, I think!)  Then I get to put him to bed, which is my favorite/least favorite time.  It's my favorite because I love the smell and feel of Mav in his jammies; it's just me and him saying our goodnight prayers by the light of his nightlight; and then Mav giggling because he thinks its hilarious when I tuck his blanket as tight as a burrito.  My least favorite because another day has passed, and when tomorrow begins he is another day older.

11:00 PM.  Time to catch up on the loose ends of the day.  Some housework.  Some laundry.  Some tv.  Some Facebook.  Some blog.  And then bedtime!  See you tomorrow! (and I promise to do pictures, too!)  :)

Oh yeah--update on the tadpoles! I guess it was about a week ago that I decided to release them back into the creek where we got them.  FOUR of them were already full frogs, and the rest had all their limbs.  I wasn't expecting them to become frogs so quickly since most websites said it would take 6-12 weeks.  Raising NINE frogs was a challenge too great for us, but it was fun to raise them from babies! :)

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