Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday, Monday

It was sort-of easier waking up at 5:30 this morning knowing that a 3 day weekend is on the horizon.  A really fun 3 day weekend too.  We plan on attending our 4th annual Explodapalooza with our friends (lots of exploding from homemade fireworks).  Robbie is getting serious about the BBQ-ing this year.  He wants to haul our Weber grill all the way to our friend's house so that he can "grill properly" on a charcoal pit, instead of the propane one they have. :)

This morning started out like the past few days around here: very stormy!  But then it just melted into a soggy morning all around.  Fortunately the clouds finally passed and the day turned out steamy humid, but pretty overall.

When I picked up Mav from Nana's house after work, I was starting to fret that there wouldn't be much to blog about today.  Which is fine.  We're pretty boring people, ha!  But just kinda like the book If you Give a Pig a Pancake one thing leads to another...and voila! A little something to write about.

This was right after he woke up from a 2 hour nap (bonus points that he waited until I was off work!).
Eating the cheerios out of the bowl is overrated.

Belle is not impressed. :)

Mav has really been into coloring lately, which is pretty fun!
He can sit for (relatively) a while and keep himself occupied. (nice for trying to cook dinner!)
He is still figuring out which hand is dominant; he'll color a few strokes with his right...

...and then switch to his left.  And so on, back and forth.
We have quite a few lefties in the family, so we'll see!

(Yes, I have the ugliest carpet in my house.  Maybe someday we will be able to afford a makeover, ha!)

Today we actually had a "first"!  Those are fewer and farther between these days.
This was the first time that he pointed at something he drew, and then said what it was. :)
He specifically pointed to the blue shark fin looking thing (left center of page) and said, "Meow Meow Bye Bye!"
Um...okay?! :)

It's fun to keep a few pages here and there and see how much his coloring has changed.
This was the end of April, so about 2 months ago.  He was only making light, single strokes.

Inspired by his "Meow Meow Bye Bye" picture, I drew him a cat. (Okay, it looks more like a Liger)
Isn't it funny how things come natural?  He began coloring it in, the best he could anyways. :)

It was about that time I realized I needed to get dinner fixed, mostly so we could have something to take for lunch this week. 
And I decided that the bloggy world might want to know about the meal famously known around here as "The Pasta".

You know how everyone has that one meal.  The go-to.  Always sounds good, always have the ingredients in the pantry.

There is a handful of variations of The Pasta depending on what is in the fridge. But generally its some veggies and a meat.  Today I used the rest of this giant red onion.

And I threw in one of our favorite veggies: red bell peppers!
(Our favorite snack is red peppers oven roasted with some olive oil and pepper)

Overall, this is everything for The Pasta.
Parmesan cheese, pesto seasoning, olive oil (Eat your heart out Rachael Ray! Can you see her peering in the corner from my cookbook?), 100% whole wheat pasta, and a pan full of veggies and meat.

Originally I used to only use prosciutto as my meat, but its pretty expensive and not the healthiest option.
So we've switched to turkey bacon, it's so yummy!

After the noodles have cooked, add the olive oil and pesto seasoning.
The directions say to cook it separately as a paste, then add.  But this is easier. :)

(Sorry that all the pictures are sort of yellowy.  Its the type of CFL bulbs we have in the kitchen.  It's either yellowy or super harsh flash photography)

Add the veggies and turkey bacon that were simmering in the saucepan.

Last touch is a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.
Yum Yum!

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