Monday, August 8, 2011

Teachable Spirit

As I type this....I'm listening intently to the baby monitor...

...and it's a little too quiet... he sleeping?... he reading/playing/not in bed?...

Tonight marks a big milestone: moving to the big boy bed!!

This picture is missing the cushions we put on the floor, ha!  We put 2 Boppy pillows (holes stuffed with blankets), and a whole bunch of other blankets along the bedside, just in case he accidentally rolls off the bed. :)

Update: as I'm typing Robbie is going to check on him because he is beat boxing (yes, he really does beat box!) and it sounds like he's out of bed...Nope!! He was laying flat IN bed!!!  Aw nuts, shouldn't have checked on him, ha ha!  Of course he sat up, but layed back down when Robbie told him too...

 The reason why we went ahead and converted his crib into the day bed (it converts into a twin, and full size too!) was because he took a hard fall trying to escape the other night, and has been trying to climb out since.  I was SOOOO not ready for this!  I was hoping we wouldn't have to worry about it until at least 2 yrs of age, but Mav has always sorta been ahead of the game physically.

Update: still quiet...maybe this won't be so bad??!!!

All day long we've been calling it his "big boy bed" and he's had lots of fun laying and playing on it.  At one point today, he kept closing his bedroom door and when I'd go to check on him he would be playing in his bed! :)

Maybe I'm almost having a panic attack for nothing...maybe he's already so used to it being bedtime on that mattress that he won't notice...nah!  Ha ha!  I'm sure at some point tonight he will notice his new found freedom and meander around the room.

I think I'm self-inducing the panic attack because I'm so sad that he's one more huge step out of babyhood.  Robbie is on the couch reminding me of all the baby things baby teeth...and that's all he could come up with, ha ha!

Update: still quiet!!

As we went through our bedtime routine tonight I just kept praying that God would give me and Robbie patience and Maverick a teachable spirit. :)  Can toddlers have teachable spirits?!  Lol!

Well...we shall see! :)

1 comment:

Old Grey Beard said...

Did you ever think about being a play by play announcer... very cool entry. He'll be OK, but will you???