Sunday, August 14, 2011


As if I needed another thing to use up what is left of "free time".  (when Mav is in bed...and I should be in bed...but the internet is more alluring)

So my lovely sister-in-law Johanna introduced me to Pinterest.  The same sister-in-law who begged me to start a blog.  Invited me to Google+ (which I haven't done...yet).  Introduced me to Flickr, Amazon, etc, etc.  I really need to start ignoring all these new-fangled websites she tells me about, ha!

At least I think I can claim I was on Facebook before her (because that's something to brag about). :)

I remember being in California for my best friend's wedding in October of 2005, and her friend introduced us to Facebook as a way to keep in touch.  Back then it was "" and you had to have a college email account to login.  Sigh.

Anyways.  Pinterest is really fun.  It's like a virtual bulletin board to save anything you might want to refer to someday.  Decorating ideas, crafts, recipes, party ideas, photography, etc.  I could spend HOURS pinning decor ideas for my dream house.  For when I have gazillions of dollars laying around.

I'm sort of bipolar about the internet and all it offers.  Most days I just want to completely delete any trace of myself from the interwebs.  Just cause its kinda creepy to think of how accessible you can be to weirdos out there.  But then I think about how once you put it out there...its never really gone.  I've been watching too many government conspiracy shows, ha!

Complete side note:  I remember when I was a little girl, my dad told me that one day all of our money would be on a card and cash would be pretty much obsolete.  I thought he was SO crazy.  I remember asking him questions like how would your paycheck get on there, and what would you do if it got lost.  Funny, huh?!

So how about a subject change? :)

Robbie bought shark meat.  To eat.  And...I'm not sure how I feel about it.

It was a buy one get one deal.  He bought some salmon fillets, and you could get wild shark steak for free.  I'm very nervous about it.  But then again, I was nervous about sushi and now I love it!!

Maverick is very into hummus.  I know, he's weird.  He looooooooves dipping pita chips into hummus.  At least is a healthy snack!

Last thing.  Maverick STILL waits for one of us to come get him when he wakes up in the morning, or naptime.  He's so funny.  He just sits there and talks to himself.  Or he does acrobatics.  All on his bed without being contained.

Good night. 
Praying for an easy, fast, week to go by!


Old Dude said...

Knock Knock…
Who’s there...
Ah, oh.. ha… pizza delivery???
It tastes just like steak… mm good.

Jenni and Robbie said...

That's what I'm afraid of...a giant shark!! Hahaha

Anonymous said...

It really does have a texture more like steak. Not a super strong flavor to it.