Saturday, August 20, 2011

Simply Spaghetti Saturday

Robbie works in retail, so he usually has to work on Saturdays.  I feel bad that he has to work one day of the weekend because that is when all the fun stuff usually happens.  He says its nice to have a day off during the week though.  Anyways, I like to bring him lunch on Saturdays when I can.  It's fun for Mav and I to go visit daddy.  Last time I made lunch for him, I made cheesy potato casserole...and the guys he works with begged me to bring the rest of the casserole up too, ha!

Today I decided to make him spaghetti and meatballs!

1 lb lean ground turkey
2 eggs
salt & pepper

Mix turkey, eggs, breadcrumbs, and seasoning in bowl. 

Ball small amounts of meat mix in your hands, then roll in flour.  The flour prevents the meat from sticking to the pan.  I like to put the flour in a foil boat so its easy cleanup, but that's just me.

Brown the meatballs over medium heat.  The trick is to keep rolling them so they stay somewhat round.

Thank you "Veggie Tales" and "How It's Made" for entertaining Mav while I could focus on not burning my meatballs, ha!  Mav kept wanting to stand right under me while cooking--which isn't normally a big deal--except I didn't want him to accidentally get burned from hot grease.

When they get brown on all sides, they're done!

Meanwhile, your water for the pasta should be about ready to boil.  We like to use whole grain pasta because it's very hearty & fulfilling, and tastes better. (and I suppose I have to mention that its healthier too)

Boil the pasta for about 8 minutes, or until it's all floating (as my dad taught me!).

While the pasta is cooking, it's a great time to chop up whatever you're going to stick in it.  Today I used fresh spinach leaves and tomatoes.

Drain pasta, then add all the goodies!  Besides the veggies, I also added some olive oil and oregano.

Save the best part for last: cheeeeeeeese!

Maverick knows his daddy's work.  As soon as we pull in the parking lot, he points to all the bicycles and starts yelling, "Bi-kel! Bi-Kel! Dadda! Dadda!"

We visit for only a short time today since daddy is so busy.  Nice weather = lots of customers!  Mav does his usual wheel inspection of  I think I've mentioned that he is obsessed with wheels a couple times. :)

I may or may not have rewarded myself for making such a delicious lunch with a sugar-free vanilla iced coffee...

I ordered and paid for a medium, but was served a mega-large...bonus!!  They knew I was gonna need it with all the shopping I need to do today with a toddler who hates to ride in the cart.

Any other moms out there guilty of planning a car ride that happens to coincide with nap time?  I confess, I do!  The ride home ends up looking like this.

 Which makes for a smooth transition to this.

Okay.  Now I've wasted all of Mav's nap time and more blogging.  Do you like the new design?  I was needing something new.  Have a fabulous weekend!


Anonymous said...

Don't you have a wonderful Aunt? I think her name is Linda. Doesn't she like to watch kids to give their parents a break every once in a while? I think your parents have mentioned how much help she was to them. Just a thought for the shopping part.

Jenni and Robbie said...

Of course I have the most wonderful Aunt ever!! I fondly remember all the fun stuff we did...I realize now it was to get us out of our parents' hair, ha!