Sunday, July 3, 2011

Just hair, right?

I suppose most moms only get emotional when it's their kids first haircut, or the first time their little girl gets her hair majorly cut off.  Well, it's sort of embarrassing to say that I got teary eyed when I cut Mav's hair yesterday!  I don't know why...he's already had like 8 haircuts since his hair grows so fast.  But this was the first time we let it grow really long, and he had adorable curls!

BUT it was getting pretty long.

Ever since he was born he's had a pretty thick mane. Which is funny, because they say the more heartburn you have while you're pregnant--the more hair your baby will have when its born. I had awful heartburn one night early on, but that was it the entire pregnancy. I was sure that Mav wasn't going to have anything on his little head. :)

OH my goodness.  I wish I could go back in time to that moment!

I can't believe he was ever that small!!  Oh man, did I really look that pitiful? Ha ha!  Give me a little slack, I had just given birth. :)

His poor little head!!  I was afraid it would stay like that forever, ha!  As you can tell, he got stuck.
I also remember liking that little pimple skin tag thingy, but it went away after a bit.

Sooooo, fast forward about 19 months:

I love his hair this way.  Very left-coast surfer kid.
Which I would love if he turned out that way...hee hee!

Have you seen those hilarious baby toupee skits?  I could totally donate Mav's hair! :)

So this is the new 'do:

I think he still looks pretty handsome. 
And now that I've washed it too, it looks more relaxed.

Is it me, or does he look like SUCH a big boy here?!

His hair is still wanting to curl, and has a texture to it....I wonder if it's going to stay that way?
Or turn flat and straight.  We'll see!

It's funny how Mav really looks like me most of the time (or so almost everyone says), but then pictures like this one show SO much of Robbie in him too.  Love it!

Have a safe and fun Independence Day tomorrow!
We're going to our annual "Explodapalooza" with our friends that we usually only see once a year on this holiday.  Robbie is dragging our Weber charcoal grill all the way there so he can "properly" grill the meat.
No propane meat allowed. :)

I'm hoping that Mav will like the fireworks, but my feeling is that he will be scared of them.
Which is perfectly fine with me!  He can watch with me from a far distance.
(I've had a pretty bad burn from one landing on me...NOT fun!)

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