Friday, March 16, 2012

Melt My Heart

Okay, so this is a record--TWO posts in one day!  Well, technically by the time I'm done typing this it will probably be past midnight.  But I just wanted to record for myself something special that happened twice today.
Mav's Nana and Papa went on a cruise to Alaska when he was an itty bitty baby, and bought this book while they were there.  It is called "Kiska and Kobuk: Ready to Run".  They bought it because one of the dogs looks exactly like our dog Belle, plus as a souvenir from the trip.

Mav has always been enamored by this book and it's fun to think back to how his literacy skills have grown with him.  At first he just enjoyed being read to.  Then he was able to point things out after being asked.  Then it was him pointing and describing the pictures.  Lastly, he would run his fingers along the words while I read.

Today he did the cutest thing!  I know he can't actually read, ha ha!  But he sat there and "read" it to me by reciting the story from memory.  Amazingly, he would recite almost word for word with the corresponding page, and even point to the script as he was reciting from memory.  It just melted my heart. :)

Tonight before bath time, he did the same with his potty book.  Our poor copy has been dropped in the bathtub, so it is all water warped and taped together, ha!  I've been meaning to find a new copy.

He was sat there on the potty for 20 minutes doing the same thing--reciting the story almost word for word on the correct page, over and over again.  Mostly it was a stall tactic to avoid the bath, ha!  But precious nonetheless.  It is truly amazing to watch your child develop before your eyes!

Okay--just remembered a third awesome thing about today!  This is the second night in a row that Mav has walked himself straight into his room, and got into bed all on his own with no fussing!!!  I can hardly believe it's the same child.  It must be the hymns we sing before bed. ;)

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