Sunday, March 11, 2012

Big Boy Undies! (sort of)

For a couple weeks now Mav has thrown tantrums about wearing a diaper.  Every mom's dream, right?!  It is exciting, yet so frustrating.  First--I think it's more of a power struggle at the moment, than actually wanting to potty train.  Oh well, I'll use it!!!  Second--he still doesn't tell us when he needs to go potty.  He'll tell us as he is doing it, or afterwards.  I am hoping one day (preferably before he's 20) he'll be able to let us know.

So yesterday we hit a crazy milestone, very unexpectedly.  We were getting the house ready for some friends to come over for some barbecue, and Mav was being SOOOOO adamant about not wearing a diaper.  I was at a loss for what to do, so I just sort of freestyled it.  I let him run around half naked and asked him every few minutes if he needed to go potty.  At this point I think he knows what that means--but doesn't recognize the feeling of needing to go, in time to reach the potty.

Of course, the minute I have my back turned--I hear, "Poo poo uh-oh."  I quickly turn around and see Mav standing over a little ball of poo poo on the carpet.  I said, "Oh no!!  Mav you need to go poo poo in the potty!  Going on the floor is bad!!  Mommy is sad!"

I don't even know if that was the right thing to say, but Mav had a remorseful look on his face.  We went to the potty just in case he had anything left.  He was rewarded for sitting on the potty.  (I guess that's okay?  We reward him for sitting on the potty, and give him an extra reward when he actually goes potty. I figure we can wean it down to only getting a reward for going potty on the pot?!)

By now he's been sans clothes on his bottom half for almost 2 hours.  His poor little hiney was getting red from sitting on the floor.  Thanks to some advice from my FB friends, we decided big boy undies were worth a shot. We haven't even dreamt about big boy undies, so we didn't have any in the house.  Mav was really excited about the idea of big boy undies.  Every time someone walked in the room he asked them for big boy undies.

At this point, it was T-minus 25 minutes until our friends came over.  Agh!  Robbie was at the grocery store getting charcoal, and Mav was not excited about putting clothes on unless he had big boy undies.  Soooooo Grandma to the rescue!!  I called my mom who lives just a couple streets over, and she came over to sit with Mav so I could run to the store for big boy undies.

I ran into the store, frantically looking for big boy undies.  I must've looked ridiculous since I had no clue where they were, ha!  I finally found them and decided to pick up a thing of pull-ups too.  I don't know why.  I guess I just figure if you're potty training then you need pull ups right?!

At home Mav is chuckling in laughter at the sight of his big boy undies.  He picks out the pair he likes the best....puts both feet through...and that's all!  He doesn't want to pull them up.  Sigh.  So I just let him play with them to get more comfortable.  He wears them on his head.  He bites them while shaking his head like a dog.  I got some pretty hilarious pictures of all this.  But they are inappropriate to post since he's still half naked, ha!

Finally, he puts them on all the way.  Robbie and I cheered and said he was SUCH a big boy and we were SO proud of him.  Then we reminded him 12, 367 times that if he needs to go pee or poo, to tell one of us.  Right about then our friends came I was a little afraid how crazy the evening would be.  Our friends have a son 7 months older than Mav, plus they are like our really great friends we've known forever--so I wasn't afraid of embarrassment, just afraid of the unknown.  Our first time ever in big boy undies!!!

My expectations weren't high.  Mav was waaaaaaaay too excited and distracted about playing with his best friend (as he should be) than to be thinking about telling one of us to go potty.  So I just waited for the time bomb to go off.  He actually stayed dry for almost 2 hours!!!  And luckily, he was out on the porch when he did wet himself.  Kinda funny how the pee pee wet all his clothes AND sprayed a foot in front of him, ha ha!

He didn't seem to notice or care that he was all wet.  I'm thinking because he was busy playing with his buddy, but also probably because he might not be ready yet.  Who knows?!  Just when you think you have this whole "parenting" thing down...there's always a new turn in the road.  Such is life I guess. :)

I changed him into new clothes and a diaper.  Mostly because he didn't care that I was putting a diaper on him at the time, and I wanted to enjoy our evening.  Is that selfish?

And of course he wore an overnight diaper, and has been wearing a diaper all day today.  Epic parenting fail?  I'm not sure, but he isn't asking for big boy undies today.  Maybe we'll try harder tomorrow.  We're all kinda in a funk with staying up really late with friends, plus losing an hour of sleep.

To make up for the lack of pictures, here are some pictures of what Mav likes to do 20 hours a day:

Mav LOVES his Hotwheels.  Like, we really don't need any other toy in the house.  First thing in the morning to last thing before bed.  He always asks, "Mommy pay (play) cars?  Daddy pay cars?  Belle pay cars?"  I love playing cars with him, but sometimes mommy needs to get housework done, haha!

One of the coolest things is that most of these are mine or Robbie's from our childhood.  Yes, I had lots of Hotwheels!  Except mine are pretty banged up because I'd always play with mine outside in the dirt.  Robbie's are in great condition because he took good care of them.  Robbie has also taught Mav all the types of cars.  We can ask, "Go get the Ferrari, or Bugatti, or Lamborghini, etc" and he knows which is which.  Plus, he knows which ones are Formula One, Rally racecars, and BMW circuit racers.  (We watch a lot of Top Gear U.K. in our house)

This little car wash was mine when I was 9 or 10.  Again, I love that my parents kept most of my toys because it's so awesome to watch Mav play with them.  You turn that little knob and the car is pulled along by a conveyor belt (Mav calls it the "car eskadator (escalator)") through the wash.

 Mav loves his Hotwheels! :)

1 comment:

Old Fashion Dude... said...

Before he gets into school, you might want to consider that boys wear things called underwear and girls wear the others... you know, the undies things. So if you don't want him to have any rough childhood experiences.... you may want to rethink things.