Monday, December 19, 2011

Neck Strains and Randoms

The desire to blog this weekend was there, I promise!  But life was a little crazier than normal.  Let's see, I guess it was late Saturday night when I woke up to Robbie groaning.  I thought he was getting throw-upy sick (he is a groaner)...but he kept saying "I can't move, I can't move."  So I helped him to the couch and propped him best I could, all during which he was literally agonizing in pain.  That was about 2am, and I think I finally nodded back off to sleep around 6am just to wake up again with Mav around 7:45am.

Every little move, even breathing was exceptionally painful for him.  He described the pain like being stabbed with a thousand knives while burning in jet fuel, ha!  So I played nurse best I could, all while trying to help Mav understand that he couldn't sit on, jump on, or even touch dad.  It was a LONG Sunday, ha!  We debated back and forth about going to urgent care...but Robbie really didn't want to pay the extra money.  So we hunkered in for another night and fortunately his doctor was able to see him 1st thing this morning.

Apparently he severely strained his neck muscle (the doc used some fancy anatomical word for it) while sleeping.  He got some good anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxing meds.  So hopefully that will do the trick!  He might need a trip to the chiropractor too.  Which he will LOVE.  He used to go once a week...I teased him about being addicted, ha!  He hasn't been in forever, so I think he deserves it!

Now...on to some random thoughts.  Really random, ha!

1. Even though I've been married 4 1/2 years, I still love watching all those tacky bridal shows.  I marathon watched "Say Yes to the Dress" last weekend.  Pretty sad.  But I love it, and I don't apologize!

2.  What is with people not turning right at a red light?!?!?!  Completely baffled by it.  And it totally frustrates me when I'm driving!!

3.  I had a fleeting moment about taking one random picture every single day of 2012, and blogging about it.  But with my current record of blogging, that will probably last until January 12th.

4.  I really want to blog about all sorts of emotions about a second child.  But I have only 15 minutes until I need to be back at work.  Maybe I'll get some time tonight?  No, we're not pregnant.  Just a lot of random thoughts.  About as random as this post, ha!

5.  Everytime I go to QT and buy a fountain soda, a candy bar, and a bag of Funyuns--I'm totally embarrassed.  But not embarrassed enough to not buy them.

Hope you're having a great short work week! (If you are in the 'working world'...if not, then I hope you are having a fabulous working week at home!) 

Have you noticed that you are more productive at work knowing you're about to have a mini-vacation?  Or at least I am, because I'm in such a good mood!  I think that is proof enough that we all need more time off! :)

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