Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lazy Sunday

He is growing up WAY too fast.  Doesn't he look like he's ready for school or hanging out with his friends on the weekend?  I cannot, and refuse to believe Maverick is going to be TWO in a couple months.  Where is the pause button?!

A certain someone went pee pee on the potty for the 5th night in a row last night!  He is really getting into it, and I think maybe after we have the bedtime potty routine down for a while we'll introduce daytime potty fun.  I have no idea how we're going to do it...but like everything else I'm sure we'll figure it out.  My goal is to be out of diapers by 3ish, unless he miraculously gets it sooner.


Mav and I were lazy this morning and took a Sunday off church.  I guess we all had too much fun partying with Aunt Johanna, Uncle Jon, and cousin Noa the night before. :)  Actually all 3 of us slept in late, but we decided that Robbie could get out the door in just enough time to sort of get there before it was over, ha!

So The Mav and I did a LOT of laundry (I'm actually still doing laundry as I type), vacuuming, and cleaning while it was yucky outside.  When the rain cleared we went out on the front porch where Mav likes to throw all the rocks into the grass. (notice all the bare spots?)

When I took this picture, I remembered that I took one of him about this time last year in the same spot:

WOW!  Just as adorable, but golly goodness--what a difference a year makes!

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for our wonderful son. :)

We ventured out to the mall playground since the parks were still a little too wet.
This is Mav's favorite ride there...shocking, I know. :)
And just as planned, he fell asleep for his nap on the way home.

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