Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yay for Saturdays!

Ahhh, Saturday!  The one day of seven that I get to sleep in!

Maverick usually wakes up about 8:30am, and sometimes is totally content to play in his room for a bit before venturing out in the world.  Today he chose to do so until 9:00!  Woo hoo!  He opened his door and toddled down the hallway saying, "Bilk! Bilk!" everywhere until he realized we were still in bed.  "Bilk" is his word for milk. :)

First thing this morning was to pick up right where he left off last night: his blocks.  He loves these little blocks that our friend Sean made him.  Sean is a super old/close friend of Robbie's who we like to call "Magic Uncle Sean" because ever since he visited Mav in the hospital he could always make Mav stop crying--no matter what.  Sean is a wood working apprentice, so he made a bunch of these little blocks from some scrap wood.  Most of the time its the most simple things in life that bring us pleasure!

The night before, Robbie and Mav had tons of fun playing with them.

Mav actually did a pretty good job of helping stack them.

But his favorite thing was running around in circles... knock it over! :)

After Mav went to bed, Robbie displayed his block stacking skills.

Bath time was fun last night, because it involved Man the Fish. 

Man the Fish came to us from my work.  Super long story short, my kiddos at work affectionately named him Man.  I have no idea why.  Kids are funny.  Man the Fish married Kitty.  But that's a whole other blog post.

Man now resides with us, and Mav LOVES him.  Can you tell?
He likes to call him "Beesh!" which is his word for fish. :)

Okay, so back to Saturday!  After blocks, Mav played with his second most favorite thing: trucks.  I love how he lays on the floor and you can really tell he is imagining that its a real truck. :)

Our morning consisted of a lot of this, too. 
To say that Mav loves milk would be grossly understated.
He begs for it all the time!  So I give him small amounts through the day that equivilate to about what is recommended, so he won't fill up on just milk.  Seems to work!
(yes, I still need to go grocery shopping today, ha!)

With the cooler weather upon us, I've been transitioning Mav's clothes from summer to winter.  He only has 1 pair of pants that fit him now, ha!  It's a good thing Maverick has a sweet little boy cousin named Noa that can hopefully wear his hand-me-downs.  I needed to go to Target today, so we combed the clearance rack there...but came up empty handed.  That's what I get for waiting until it gets chilly outside!

I totally had a mommy brain moment when we left Target.  I packed up the kid, and our stuff into the car...pulled out of the parking lot...and realized I didn't have my purse.  I left it in the cart, out in the parking lot cart corral.  Sheesh.  Thankfully it was still there and nothing was missing!

Since it was sort of on the way home, we stopped by Once Upon a Child to see what they had there.  I really love this store!  The clothes are generally still in great shape for a good price.  Although, it is sort of hard to find cute clothes because they get snatched up quickly.  Shopping at this store is rather difficult when I have Mav because he (understandably) wants to go play with all the toys on the other side of the building.

It wouldn't have been so bad except being Saturday morning, it was terribly crowded and I couldn't see him from the boys clothes section.  I spent more time bribing him to stay with me than browse the racks.  Oh well.  He had fun!  He may or may not have had a lay-down strike when it was time to leave.  :) 
I did however find a few cute things during the shuffle!

This cute little hoodie ($2.50!!) and some grey corduroy pants ($4.50!!).  Right now he wears size 2T perfectly, but I'm buying 3T to grow into.  He has sort of slowed down his growth spurt, but he's still a weed!

And these super cute DC skateboarding shoes ($6.50!)!  Maverick is wearing a toddler size 8-9 shoe (depending on the style).  Can we say bigfoot?!

I guess all the fun he had playing at the store wore him out. :)

I splurged on the way home and stopped by Wendy's.  Oh mercy heavens!!  I've been so good about watching calories, exercising, and not eating out, that this was a real treat!  In about a month I've lost about 8 lbs, woo hoo!  But I have a long way to go until I reach my goal.

Maverick is probably going to wake up soon, so I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my quiet time while I can!  Pinterest is calling my name!  I'm also watching "The Green Mile" in the background.  I don't know why I'm watching makes me sob my eyes out every time!

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Old Diesel said...

Super cool post!!!!! It looked like Robbie was enjoying the blocks just as much as Maverick was.