Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pee Pee on the Potty!

So Robbie and I probably over-celebrated this event, but I don't care.  A small milestone is still a milestone. :)

Maverick went pee pee on the potty!!

I've mentioned before that Maverick isn't ready for potty training.  But I guess we've been sort of very mildly introducing him to the idea.  Mostly--whenever we can sort of tell he's going pee pee or poo poo (oh the words you swore you'd never say as a parent!) we try to make Mav aware of it, so he recognizes the feeling.

Also, he usually goes pee pee when he first gets in the bath (warm water has that effect, ha!).  We say, "You're going pee pee!  Pee pee goes in the potty!"  We point to the potty, and Mav will point to the potty.  Then he might repeat what we said or something, but he is usually laughing hysterically because this newly discovered muscle control is hilarious to him, ha! 

Tonight before bath time, we did the usual routine of naming all the characters on his Sesame Street potty ring, and then lifting Mav up to sit on it.  Just as I was telling Robbie that we should probably get a small potty so that he can sit on all by himself, he went pee pee!

Robbie and I initially gasped so loud, that I was afraid we scared Mav...but we quickly cheered SO loud that he smiled too.  He even reached for the toilet paper when he was all done, ha ha ha!

I know it wasn't "for real" because he (I don't think) knew what he was doing.  But still so fun to celebrate a teachable moment.  I am noticing that he is staying dryer for longer periods of time (even overnights), but he still has a long way to go.  As a (relatively) new mom, the biggest thing I've learned is that kids will get it when they're ready. :)

Maverick earned some extra bubbles at bath time!
Does anyone else think he looks like Peter Pan?

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