Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Still Asking

First~Thank you Dad for the computer monitor!!  Seriously what would we do without you?

I just wanted to share something on my heart, even though I really need to be going to bed.  But I think I'll sleep much better once I do, ha!

Now that I'm closing in on 30 (okay, don't want to rush things--only 28 in December!) I thought I would be done wondering what the next step in my life would be.  I remember all the way back in high school being so concerned about what I was going to do with my life...I thought if I knew where I was going to go to college, or who I was going to marry, or what my career would be--I would be set forever.  I prayed over, and over, and over that God would just send me a giant blinking sign with a bullet-point list of how my life would be, and all would be perfect. (Kidding...sort of, ha!)

And then once I was in college for a couple years, I was asking the same question over and over.  I kept thinking, "Once I graduate college, I will know exactly what God wants me to do and everything will be great forever and ever."

And then once I graduated college and married Robbie...I was still asking...

And then once I had my first "grown up job"...I was still asking...

And then once I had my first child...I was still asking...

And now...I'm still asking.

And I think I'm finally learning that I will be asking God to direct my steps for the rest of my life--because that is what He wants us to do. 

If we knew everything from the start, then we wouldn't need Him or seek Him. 

We are His creation and our purpose is to seek His guidance and glorify Him throughout our entire existence on this planet. 

It seems so silly and simple, I guess.

But its the simple things that are the hardest to understand sometimes.
Thank you Lord for never giving up on me!    


Old Diesel said...

The answer is... you are. He doesn't always give us this big, I am trying to think of one of your words, "humongous" road maps. Sometimes He just spoon feeds us. Really, the most important thing is that listen... because you don't want to be so caught up with things that we miss what He has to say. So instead of focusing on asking, focus on listening.

Anonymous said...

I was all excited when I first started reading this blog, thinking, "oh, good, an opportunity to encourage Jenni." But, apparently, I must have already shared "the answer" with you before. :)

Jenni and Robbie said...

Yes, you have! And thank you! :)