Saturday, October 1, 2011

Red October

To me, Fall hasn't officially begun until October.  So to celebrate I made a seasonal wreath for our front door, which also fulfilled one of my life goals of making our house more homey.  I'm not into super decorating, but our house needs a lot of help! :)  I skimmed Pinterest for a while to get some ideas...heck, who am I kidding?  I just needed an excuse to browse Pinterest.

My awesome sister invited Mav and I down for breakfast, and Mav was having SO much fun that my sis lovingly offered to watch him so I could enjoy some 'me' time at Hobby Lobby.  That store is like my dream world!  I just walk down each aisle buggy eyed thinking of all the projects I could do if I had unlimited time and an unlimited budget.  It's probably a good thing that I have neither.

To begin I had to have some candy corn inspiration. :)
One of those cups may or may not be sitting next to my computer next to a full glass of iced milk right now.

Not too fancy schmancy.  No sewing or glue.  Just something simple for my first DIY wreath.

I knew I wanted to monogram it with a C for our last name.  I found this on sale for $2:

I originally thought about going with a foam ring, but that seemed like too much work.  So this twig wreath was perfect!  Plus, it can be so easy to remake into a Christmas wreath.  This was also on sale for $2!

Then I found these cute little orange-ish red berries, each twig on sale for $1!

A little glitter pizazz for $2.

With a little twisting...tweaking here and there...ta da!
A little fun for the door! :)

It was pretty hard to get a good outside picture due to the glass door, here's the best shot.

With a $3 door hanger, the whole project was $12.29 after tax.  Not too bad. :)
Although if you use the glitter twirly things it does make quite a mess.
I might be finding gold glitter for the next 3 Octobers, ha!

On my way home from Hobby Lobby the song "You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall & Oates came on the radio.  This song always puts a smile on my face because it reminds me of my Uncle Jimmy who we lost way too soon, 5 summers ago.  He used to always tell me this super corny joke about Hall & Oates being a farmer's favorite music group.  :)
I miss him and I know that he would love his great-nephew Maverick.

He would also be so excited about the Cardinals this year, and love that Mav is already a superfan.
This is how we 'watch' games at home, ha ha!

We watch the Gameday feature on the Cardinals website since we don't have cable.  I wish that at least the playoffs would be broadcasted on a major network.  Oh well. :)

Go Cardinals!  Beat those Phillies!!


Anonymous said...

Suggestion - Hang the wreath on the storm door. You can use (and I have extras) those snap hooks that use the suction. That way, the wreath will be more visible and the mess stays outside. I'm just sayin'. . . . . .

Anonymous said...

PS: 99.1 - JOY FM. . . . . I'm just sayin' . . . . .