Monday, October 10, 2011

Let's Go Cardinals!

Is that a great sight or what?!
Cardinal Nation is in a fever pitch right now with our beloved Birdies unexpectedly, and miraculously landing in the playoffs.

Last week my dad won a raffle at his work for some awesome seats to Game 3 of the NLDS here in St. Louis.

Best. Afternoon. Ever.
(mostly because I got to hang with my daddy!)

We went downtown early to avoid traffic from the President being in town, so we took advantage of the pre-game rallies and filled our tummies with classic Lou food.  St. Louis style pizza and fried mushrooms. :)

I hadn't done anything that spontaneous in SO long, and it was AH-mazing.  A million thanks to my hubby and my coworkers for giving me a full afternoon off at the last minute.  Plus--I got to scratch off going to a towel waving game from my bucket list. :)

Even though we ended up losing that game, it was SUCH a fun day.  I'm a little late blogging about it (about a week late, but hey, ha!).  In case you didn't know, we ended up winning the series...and now we're in the NLCS!

Let's Go Cardinals!

Beat those pesky, arrogant, know-it-all (but not really!) Brewers!!


Old Dude said...

Nice picture of the old capitol... hey, who's the guy showing off his lack of hair, wait... the guy that follicle challenged... eh heck, the guy that's going bald!!!! Go CARDINALS. BTW, I am in another raffle...

Jenni and Robbie said...

Oooh oooh! I hope you win! (no alterior motives of course)