Monday, June 7, 2010

Agh, finally!

Okay, this is just a shout out. I've been trying to update the blog for a few days but have been hitting some road blocks. I'm gonna share some pics from Mav's first trip to the zoo amongst other fun going-ons of the household in the next day or so. (Not that there is any huge rush of people reading this, ha ha! I think like 3 people read this...and it's all family...but that's okay!!!)

Everytime (like right now) I have the time to sit and write, it's usually late at night. I sit at the computer while Robbie watches tv. However, we've recently subscribed to Netflix (LOVE IT!) and now all we watch is tv and movies through Netflix which is streamed via our wi-fi. Sooooo, when I'm trying to upload photos it either takes or doesn't even upload them at all AND it disrupts the Netflix connection. So I'm gonna try to catch up tomorrow afternoon while Robbie is at work. :)

Also, Blogger has been down for a bit. Something about system maintenance or whatever. I was happy to see that I could at least throw this little blurb out there.

p.s. I've been really trying to jog for about 30 minutes a day. I'm tired of clothes not fitting and still looking preggo!!! Hopefully the hard work will pay off. I'm feeling the burn!

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