Thursday, June 24, 2010

I love my dog, but...

Our dog Belle is the awesomest dog ever. However, there isn't quite enough words to describe the amount of hair she sheds when summer arrives. It drives me crazy! I vacuum at least once, if not twice a day...and even then it still is everywhere. But it's worth it, as she is the awesomest dog ever.

I took this picture tonight after I brushed her. Keep in mind, I brush her a couple times a week right now to keep up with her coat blowing. Oi.

There are no words to describe the amount of hair she is shedding right now!

It's a good thing she is the cutest dog ever. :)

1 comment:

Old Dude said...

"BUT's" are used for separating your legs from your back (oh wait, that butt's) and separating things from what we like and don't like... so which one is this??