Saturday, June 26, 2010

Maverick is 7 months old!

What is Maverick up to these days?

-I am wearing a size 2-3 diaper
-I wear size 6-9 months clothes (more toward the 9 month, ha!)
-I haven't been officially measured, but I'm probably around 19 lbs and 28 inches tall.
-I am trying more solid foods and my favorites are butternut squash, sweet potatoes, yogurt, and any fruit. (of course)
-Haven't quite figured out the whole "grab and put in mouth" thing for food, we're still working on that...but I do like to grab toys and put them in my mouth. And I'm really good at picking up small rocks and twigs.

-My favorite things to do during the day: play with aluminum foil, play with cups that have straws, splash water in my bowl, press the buttons on my remote control, calculator, and mom's cell phone. I also really like to look in the mirror, and I still LOVE burying my face into blankets.
-When music plays, I dance to it!
-When I'm sitting I love to rock back and forth. I've learned to catch myself when I fall backwards, but still crash pretty hard when I fall forwards.
-I've kept myself on the same schedule for 4 months now. I sleep about 10 hours straight through the night, and take a couple 1 to 2 hour naps during the day.

-Even though I'm a long way from walking, I love to "practice walking" when mom holds my arms and I take a step or two.
-I make lots of noises now, and my favorite is blowing raspberries until I'm covered in spit, ha ha! I love it when my dad moves his finger over my mouth to make me say funny things.
-No official teeth yet, but you can see the outlines of my two bottom teeth ready to make their appearance soon.
-I'm still working on crawling, and I actually end up pushing myself backwards instead of forwards, ha ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute, as always!!