Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dads are the Bestest!

So, I have the best dad ever. Ever! I remember as a little girl always getting so excited when my dad would walk through the front door when he got home from work. Shortly after he got home we all sat down for dinner at the table and I'm sure I gabbed my head off at the dinner table about what we my sister and I were up to that day. My poor dad had to live in a house of 4 women!

I remember this boat ride pretty vividly even though this was like 20 years ago! I was so scared I had to chew on my life jacket (which defeats the purpose of the jacket I suppose, ha ha!) It was nice to have my dad hold on to me!

I've always looked up to my dad and have always wanted to live a life that honored him and my mom. I still think he is the bestest and smartest guy out there. Seriously, there is nothing my dad can't do! Well...I still have him beat in the fishing department, ha ha!

We took the picture at an angle to make the fish look bigger. Had to cheer him up somehow, as I caught like 4 or 5 more fish than he did. :)

I really am blessed with the most awesome parents. They've given me the best example of how I can be a mommy to Maverick.

This is also an awesome day because it is Robbie's first Father's Day!!! Maverick helped me make Robbie's gift, which was a plaster impression of Mav's foot. Robbie is the most awesome dad. (okay, I know I said that about my they are tied!)

Robbie greeted Mav into the world first. This is moments after the nurses gave the okay for him to come over and see Maverick (Mav had some breathing problems at first). The nurse told Robbie, "Touch his chest and you'll feel how hard his heart is beating." So just as Robbie reached out to touch Mav's chest, Maverick reached up and grabbed Robbie's finger--and Maverick's heart rate went down. :)

It is weird for me to say something like "Robbie is so great with diaper changes and bath time" because it makes it sound like a job. He loves being a daddy and sharing his life with Maverick.

It is so much fun to watch Robbie live life with our son. :)

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