Thursday, February 16, 2012

On the Horizon

Every morning when I wake up to go to work, the sky is just a little bit lighter...and it is making me so very happy!  I miss spring and summer so much, and I love seeing the gradual swing back to long days of sunlight.

I wish I knew what kinds of birds chirp at dawn, but I've starting hearing them chirp in the morning too!  It's not very many yet, but they are on their way.

Do you know what other birds are on their way?  (corny segue, I know)

On Monday, our beloved Cardinals report to Spring Training!
Nothing can compare to the magical end to last year's season, but it is going to be awesome to watch our new team and new manager start fresh.  I don't want to brag or anything...but I did suggest Matheny for the newly opened manager position the day of TLR's announcement.  I think the Cards should just hire me to make all of their decisions. ;)

Opening Day is an official holiday here in St. Louis, and it is 57 days away!  I guess I should go ahead and request that afternoon off work...

Maverick had his first sucker on Valentine's Day.  He helped me pack some goodie bags for my kiddos at work, and that was his reward.  He actually put the stick-end in his mouth at first, ha!  I guess he figured it was a straw.

He did pretty good with it, and only managed to get gooey sugar slobber all over his shirt...and the floor, ha!  It was sort of my test run to see how still he would sit while eating it, because I've heard suckers can be great for getting kids to sit still while cutting their hair.  Not quite convinced it will work with Mav, he H-A-T-E-S getting his hair cut.

I'm also in a good mood because I have only 1 more day of work, and then I'm off for 9 days!!!  Robbie and I both have some vacation days to burn, so we (with Mav) are going on a mini-staycation all next week.  I'm happy that the forecast shows some good weather on the horizon...maybe we'll go to the zoo!

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