Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Motherhood is icky sometimes!

Last night was a rough night, so we took it easy today.  Not that we had anything extravagant planned.  And really, it was nice to chill at home for most of the day.

When we went to my parents' house for a BBQ to celebrate the first day of spring training (yes we are that big of fans, ha!) Mav was pretty much his usual self...but I could tell something was up.  He is still working on cutting all of his 2 year molars, so I figured that's what was bothering him.

Love that my dad printed these for their front door!
Mav started to fidget and generally look uncomfortable.  Poor little guy.  I wish he was just a little older so he could tell me what was hurting.  When I offered him ice cream and he turned it down, I knew there was something definitely wrong.

All baseball park menu: ball park hot dogs, brats, chili dogs, nachos with all the fixin's, and ice cream bars.
At bedtime I put him down in his bed, and he was OUT as soon as his head touched the pillow...and that never, ever, ever, happens.  He didn't have a fever, so I was stumped.  So I prayed for him and asked God to take away whatever was bothering him.  Maybe I should've been more specific, because he sure got rid of whatever was bothering him, ha! ;)

I guess it was about an hour after he went to bed that we heard him sort of stirring and whimpering over the monitor.  But he wasn't making any unusual noises, so we decided to wait and see if he would put himself back to sleep.  OF COURSE the one time we don't jump in there as soon as he makes a noise--he pukes ALL over the place.  Epic parenting fail.  I felt SO horrible about that, ugh!

Poor little Mavs had puke in his hair, all over his pajamas, all over his bed & pillows, etc, etc.  He was crying so hard, I felt sooooooo awful for him.  On top of feeling sick, I think he was scared by having to turn on all the lights and clean everything up.  And then on top of that, I just had to give him a quick bath.  There was no way I was letting him try to go back to sleep all yucky.

We finally got him all cleaned up, and calmed down.  Completely changed all the bed clothes.  Got him back to sleep...and he puked again.

Fortunately it wasn't as bad as the first episode and getting him back to bed was easier.  This time I camped out next to his bed with a bowl, towels, wipes, etc, ready.  I hardly slept a wink.  Every time he coughed I was ready to catch something.  My poor sweet baby.

I suppose we both ended up drifting off to a good sleep around 2 or 3am, and when he woke up around 7--you'd never know he was ever sick hours before.  He was in such a great mood!!  A few hours after that he was pulling out couch cushions to jump on like his normal self. And all his food was staying down. :)

We figured something just didn't sit well in his tummy, and probably wasn't a bug.  Just in case, we took it easy today.  Besides, I was so sleepy from being up all night, ha!

Bath time tonight was especially fun since Mav realized he could bring his map placemat with him.  Oh Mavs.  He loves his maps!  It is so cute to hear him pronounce all the countries he knows to locate.

One last thing.  You may have seen this picture I shared on Facebook.  I also blogged about it recently.  My high school friend, Katie, ran the Livestrong half-marathon in Austin, Texas this past weekend.  Her goal was to raise $500 for the foundation--and with a donation she offered to carry the name of a loved one to honor their memory, celebrate their victory, or encourage those who are currently battling with cancer.  I gave a small donation in Robbie's honor.  Huge praise to God for healing Robbie of his cancer, and the joy we have afterwards!

Katie met her fundraising goal and also did a fabulous job completing the race!  I thought it was so sweet that she wrote the names of people still battling with cancer on those 2 yellow Livestrong bracelets on her arm, so she could pray for them during her run.

Praying for the day when we don't need these types of fundraisers anymore!

1 comment:

Old Diesel said...

You must be up with him again tonight... a 12:52 AM entry?? Hope he is doing better. See, and you were wondering what you guys were going to do this week... just one of the resons why you guys had this time off!!!