Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lots 'o Stuff to Remember

I just realized I never posted Maverick's 9 month update. Oh well, ha! That was like 2 weeks ago and it seems like he is doing so much more now. This post is a bunch of stuff that I want to document for my sake. :)

Maverick is huge. Literally the size of a 1 year old. Although, it seems like he is getting more lean than chunky nowadays. It's probably because he is climbing up EVERYTHING!

Seriously, I can't stand still for more than 10 seconds in the same spot without Mav climbing up my leg. The only way I can get dishes done is if I hop back and forth, dancing around Maverick so he can't get a good grip. It's a great work out! Although, I feel bad because this lasts about 15 minutes before Maverick starts crying from frustration.

Forget toys. The only thing he wants to do all day is pull himself up on the couch, window sill, tv desk, computer desk, chairs, walls, and even the dishwasher. I can't load or unload the dishes unless he is in his highchair. He is tall enough now to reach the top rack, so he will grab it and start to fall over when the rack rolls into the dishwasher. Aghhhhhh! And I thought a newborn was hard work!!

Everyday he has a new bump, bruise, or scratch. People must think we abuse him, lol! He is starting to get bored with just hanging on to furniture. He is now pivoting away from the sofa (or whatever) and holding his arm out for balance. I am so not ready for a walking child!!

Mav can wave hello and bye-bye. Just today as I dropped him off at Nana's house he waved 'bye-bye' to me before I got the chance to wave to him first. He also gives "high fives" too. It's really fun. :)

Last weekend he went on his first boat ride. We went down to the Boathouse in Forest Park and rented a couple paddle boats. I think Mav would've had a better time if it weren't for a few things:
1) The smallest life jacket there was still huge on him, and it squished his face the entire time. And I think he was pretty hot wearing it.
2) He was battling a bad cold (ooey gooey runny nose)
3) Lack of sleep from teething

Hopefully his next experience in a boat will involve fishing. :)

I'm pretty sure his top teeth are trying to push through. He has been waking up frequently at night and he has been increasingly fussy. Sometimes he takes forever to finish a bottle and I might have to put some Orajel on his gums.

I have a ton of cute pictures I wanted to add to this post, but it's almost midnight. And I get up at 5:30am for next time! :)

Lastly, we're still working on self feeding and transitioning to a sippy cup. I've never heard of a baby who doesn't put anything in their mouth...Maverick is the only one I think. Which is lovely, except I don't think he quite gets the idea that food is okay to shove in there.

Granted, his pincer grasp still needs a lot of practice. He tends to get frustrated easily and just smacks the food everywhere instead of trying to pick it up. When he does get food in his hands I try to guide his hand to his mouth, but that makes him mad. He stiffens his arm and drops the food. (sigh!)

For months now I have been leaving food on his tray to let him explore in hopes that he will just figure it out. Eventually he will...right?! It always ends up everywhere but his mouth, or in Belle's mouth, ha ha! She anxiously awaits any falling morsel of food by waiting underneath his high chair.

Okay I lied, one more thing. It's pretty hilarious. Maverick growls all the time. I think it's because he LOOOOOOOOVES his "sister" Belle. He likes to follow her around and pester her to no end. Plays in her food and water bowls without cease. Pulls and tugs on her, and Belle is super nice about it. If it were any other person she'd nip at them. But she loves her little brother...I think. Ha ha!


Old Dude said...

So he likes to climb everything... that is good because tree stands you have to climb into. And don't worry about fishing, but I think I will try bank fishing with him first before I confine him to a boat. Nice entry... THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Try having him feed you a few pieces with his food. It might give him some idea of what he is supposed to do and kind of put him on the control side.

I was starting to think you gave up on blogging! How else would I be able to keep up with you?