Monday, January 4, 2010

Already over One month old?!

Maverick is already almost 6 weeks old! Such a small amount of time, yet it feels like an eternity too. (mostly when he's wide awake at 3 am) I'm already behind in posting his 1 month pictures, but oh well.

Here's what Maverick is up to these days:

-I sleep 16-18 hours a day
-I weigh about 8 pounds
(we saw a baby at the mall his same age, and Mav was soooo tiny compared to him)
-My favorite way to sleep is on Daddy or Mommy's chest
-I'm wearing Newborn size diapers, but really close to switching to size 1.
-I'm just about too big for newborn size clothes; now my 0-3 month clothes are fitting much better.

-I'm starting to "coo" and "ahh" more.
-I've already been to church twice!
-My favorite place to go is the mall. I like to ride around in my stroller while Mom and Dad shop.
-I enjoy more "tummy time" now, and I'm really good at lifting my head.

-I am really good at following faces and sounds with my eyes.
-I prefer to sit up (with help) more than lay down.
-I really love to walk around with Mom in my new Moby Wrap.
-I've already been to my favorite restaraunt ('s favorite) El Maguey.


Old Dude said...

You forgot that "I am already practicing casting". He has gotta get those arms in shape for the big ones... as he is going to have to prepare himself early to be able to out fish his mom, an experience that I have yet been able to accomplish.

Michelle Ross said...

Oh, I love watching Maverick grow. He and Henry are very, very close in age. They will grow up to be buds I'm sure!