Friday, January 22, 2010

Show Us Your Life and the 24 hr Flu

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Okay, so I missed last Friday's topic. But I was too busy having fun! So I'll go ahead and skip that one. Besides, I can't offer much insight to last week's topic because it was "Diet and Weight Loss Strategies". Ha!! The closest thing I've come to a diet was a few years ago when I decided to take the "Special K Challenge". And it worked great--that is--until my diet consisted of more than cereal and yogurt.

This week's topic is "Where do you shop? Online? In-Store?"

I definitely wish I shopped more online. The finds are amazing. I am way jealous of my sister-in-law Johanna and her "super internet guru powers". She always finds the coolest stuff for the greatest prices online.

I'm not sure if this question is meant for clothing, groceries, or what. But I'm gonna go ahead and take it as all of the above. As for groceries and other everyday essentials we try to avoid "Wally World" and all its fluorescent glory. There is just something a little crazy about being able to have your hair done at the same place you can buy lawn fertilizer and a flat screen tv. We love to support the local shops. But I do have to admit it is wonderful to have a place to run to at 3 am when you are in desperate need of cold medicine and toilet paper. Okay, okay, and the occasional People magazine and Snickers bar.

As for clothing, I must give credit to my husband Robbie. Before we got married I was totally skeptical of shopping at the mall for clothes. Sounds pretty ridiculous for a girl, right??? I just always thought I could never afford clothes from any of the stores. Having been in clothing retail for a long time, Robbie showed me the tricks of the trade. Here are a couple huge ones:
1) Always pay attention to the window displays. When those change, that means new stock has come in and a ton of clothes have gone on clearance.
2) Clothing seasons are divided into: Winter 1, Winter 2; Spring; Summer; Fall 1, Fall 2. These are pretty much the same for every store and is indicative with the aforementioned clue #1.

With that said, my favorite places to shop for clothes are:

The GAP usually has pretty terrific sales, but most important for me: they have pants that fit me perfectly. For whatever reason, the clothing industry feels that if you have a larger waistline you must be at least average height, if not taller. Such is not the case for me. I'm 5'2'' and I am larger than a size 6. 'Nough said.

Okay, so this store can be very, very, very pricey. But they do have annual sales that offer some spectacular deals that you just have to be vigilant for. I love this store because their blouses fit me well, and they have a great petite section. (again, kudos for them for not defining petite as only being a tiny waist size)

And now, completely changing topics: 24 hour flu. The past couple weeks has been a whirlwind at my house with going back to work after 3 months of bed rest/pregnancy leave; and a visit from my friend Lexi and her 2 kids. I should have seen it coming!

You would never know by this picture that I was ready to hurl at moment's notice:

Marcy, Lexi, Shannon, Me

This was the last night all of us girls were together before Lexi went back home. We were celebrating Marcy's birthday, and Olivia's 1st birthday (the daughter of Lexi) who happen to share the exact same birth date. I was so excited because we were going to have my favorite pizza and Lexi made peanut butter gooey butter cake bars!!

Unfortunately not even an hour into the party my stomach starting hurting super bad. Not nausea, but like sharp pain. Ugh!!!! I stuck it out in the corner of the living room (sans favorite pizza and peanut butter gooey butter cake bars) so I wouldn't get any of the babies sick--cause at that point it felt more like food poisoning than flu.

Long story short; after a night of fever, chills, and vomiting it was the flu. I was sooooooooo terrified that I gave it to one of the sweet babies in the room the night before (including Maverick). During my bouts of consciousness I prayed extra hard for everyone I was in contact with not to get the flu. So far my prayers have been answered.

Poor Robbie quarantined himself with Maverick the whole night (he slept on the floor of the nursery). The next morning my mom took over as Robbie went to work, and that afternoon/evening Robbie's parents relieved her. A HUGE thank you to my mom and Robbie's parents for taking care of Maverick while I was out of commission. It was a relief to know that he was away from my germs, and that I could focus on recovering. I haven't had that much sleep since before Maverick was born!! Too bad it took the flu to get it. :)

Anywho, like I said--I should have seen it coming. I work in an elementary school (aka world's largest petri dish). Not being at work for 3 months and around all those germs constantly can be a hard re-adjustment when you jump back in full force. Pile that on top of lack of sleep with a newborn in the house, and you have a recipe for some sort of illness. Thankfully this flu was only 24 hours. In years past it's been the awful 3-5 day flu.

Enough of that sickness stuff. Bring on the summer and sunshine! I wonder how much it would cost to bribe that silly groundhog to bring a quick spring?

I can't wait to take Maverick outside for longer than the distance from the car to the store entrance, all bundled up in blankets. Oh to have him wear shorts and walk in the green grass!

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