Sunday, January 31, 2010

Maverick is 2 months old!

I'm starting to freak out that I'm beginning to forget what Maverick was like when he was "little" and he's only 2 months old!! Ha ha! Everyone always says they grow too fast, and now I know why. I don't want to miss a minute of it! At the same time I love watching his personality and motor skills develop everyday.

(I try to get the same frame size with each picture, but inevitably it's a little off)

He totally smiles intentionally all the time now. I've heard that it's a bit too early for smiles to be intentional, but he has to be smiling on purpose. I'll start smiling really big, then he'll stare at me all buggy-eyed for a minute--then get the biggest grin on his face. I love it!

Maverick also looooooooooooves to be in some sort of sitting up position, or being held so that he can use his legs. I'm telling you--this kid's gonna walk before he crawls. Something tells me that he's not gonna like all those "in-between" stages. I think he's gonna be an all or nothing kinda dude, just like his father. The doctor even told me that his head and trunk muscle control is pretty advanced for his age. Oh lordy! Watch out!

Speaking of the doc, here are his 2 month stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 6 oz (45%)
Height: 23 1/4 inches (65%)
Head circumference: 39.2 cm (30%)
-The doc detected a belly button hernia, which isn't awful, just something to monitor. His abdominal muscles didn't quite finish growing together. It will more than likely heal itself, but if it hasn't by age 4, that's when a minor surgery may have to be done. The important thing is that it isn't painful for Mav or anything.

For whatever reason, Mav loves his changing table. If he's fussy, all you have to do is lay him on that thing and its better than a pacifier. (Hence, the reason why the changing pad is on the floor and not the actual table in the picture below) My kid is so quirky! I wouldn't know where he gets that from! Ha!

-Maverick is also sleeping really well at night. Most of the time I only have to get up once or twice during the night.
-He wears size 1 diapers now.
-He wears size 3 month clothing (or sometimes labeled 0-3 months)
-He makes new noises all the time, but still has his "new baby" cry. I love it when he cries because it's still very quiet and cute. (of course I don't love it, you know what I mean!)

It is so hilarious when people ask what his name is. We see only 2 reactions:
"Maverick? That's awesome!"
"Maverick?...that's original..." (spoken very slow and high pitched)

I love his name, and I think it already suits him well. I almost cried when I saw his name on his first prescription slip, and even more so when his social security card came in the mail. It's like he's an official person now. :)

1 comment:

Old Dude said...

Nice pics... I wish I could take like that!!! Pretty soon you will need a bigger dog for a reference.