Monday, September 28, 2009

Nothing is too small!

In college I took a World Religion class, and it was fascinating. My professor for this course was even more fascinating. He was about 5 foot 4 inches tall, had a mop of white hair on top of his head, and his beard was full and white as well. You could only see these beady little eyes peering at you through his rectangle glasses.

One of the things I remember most about his class was something he said on the first day. He said that God (Allah, Buddah, god, or the gods, etc) doesn't care about the small stuff (edited for a "G" rating). When we pray about insignificant things, it is a waste of time for us and them. The specific example he used was finding a parking spot. He was referring to the crazy drama that occurs on college campuses across America (specifically commuter schools). You really only know what this is like if you've been a commuter student.

Anywho, this statement from the professor stuck with me for 2 reasons. First--that particular morning I was reeeeeally behind schedule and it was all snowy/icy outside. As I pulled into the parking lot I prayed for God to give me a close parking spot to avoid being late and/or freezing to death before getting to the door. Just as I finished praying, someone started backing out of a parking spot worthy of being reserved for the college chancellor. For whatever reason God decided to allow me to get to class on time, and not die from hypothermia (even though it was my fault for being late).

The 2nd reason it stuck with me is because since that day, it has been proven over and over to me that God does care about the small stuff. I often think about how insignificant I am while I'm outside staring into the horizon. I exist as only one person in this vastness of the universe. And yet, God loves me and cares about everything in my life. He wants me to talk to him about everything from parking spots to cancer. Because for Him nothing is a surprise, He just wants us to open up to Him and share it with Him.

Whew, so believe it or not this is all just background story for what I really wanted to write about. I just wanted to share how awesome God has been to Robbie and I. (Well, if I did that it would take a while!) I'm just talking about something that was relatively tiny, and yet so huge to us.

Robbie's jeep license plates expired in August. He went to get it inspected for safety and emissions to renew the plates, and the report came back very pricey. Since the check engine light is on (it has been on for 2 years, and we know why it's on--it's not a big deal) the inspector said that we needed a new catalytic converter and to repair the fuel line. Oh, and new wiper blades. His quote was $700 for everything. Soooooooooooo, we can't afford to pay $700 to anyone right now. We were trying to figure out how to buy generic parts and pay someone to install them for a cheaper price.

On the way home from church on Sunday, Robbie noticed that the check engine light was off. What????????? That light hasn't turned off for 2 years!! For real?????

Robbie went and had the jeep re-inspected today and the inspector passed the jeep with flying colors. Only costing us $60 for the inspections. ("Only" being relative to $700)

Can I get an "Amen"?

God does care about the small stuff. Or in this case, small to the rest of the world, but huge to us.

1 comment:

Old Dude said...

Well put... never leave Him out of anything, no matter what it is.