Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Robbie!

Agh, so much to catch up on! First and foremost, yesterday was Robbie's birthday!!! Despite the feeling of this being his last year in his "20s" he said he had a wonderful birthday. Unfortunately he had to work (I don't care how old you get, I think you should always take a day off work for your birthday!). But he enjoyed a nice birthday lunch with his co-workers, and I stopped by with a surprise cheesecake and his favorite drink from Starbucks: a venti, non-fat, no water, Chai tea. We were also hoping that the Cardinals would deliver a win for his birthday too...but that is a rather sore subject to bring up today. After the game we watched our favorite show "Project Runway" and enjoyed yummy german chocolate cake that my dad baked for Robbie.

I know that Robbie doesn't like all the mushy stuff, but I really do want everyone to know how thankful I am for Robbie. He is the best husband and the most best friend ever, ever, ever. Ever. It's not enough to say that God blessed me with him! (okay Robbie, the mush is over)

Let's see, what else...I've been in super nesting mode. I spent many hours this past weekend cleaning out closets, re-filing our filing system, and throwing out anything we haven't touched in a year. This craziness started when I was reading one of my many books/websites on pregnancy and they all advised that by 32 weeks you should have everything ready because the baby could come sooner than you may think. Maverick's room is just filled with his stuff in piles right now, but not organized into an actual nursery. This weekend's goal is to build the crib. (yaaaaaay!!) I think seeing the crib put together will be so awesome and wonderful. The reality will hit that a baby will be sleeping in there soon!

By the way, here are my 32 week photos:

I went to the doctor today for a routine visit. I'm going every week now, which is a little earlier than usual to start doing that, but they want to monitor Maverick's heartbeat and growth rate because of my gestational diabetes. I get a non stress test and ultrasound every week, starting next week. The interesting thing is that I've actually lost weight for the 3rd week in a row. We're only talking 3 pounds total, but when you're supposed to be gaining a 1/2 pound every week by now on top of being diabetic (in which the greatest danger is having a large baby), I find it all rather peculiar. With that said, he had an awesome heartbeat today and his size measured good too.

Okay, so the last topic of the day is about the upcoming holidays. Every year at this time I get bitten by the holiday bug!! I just want to skip over Halloween (which is a fun holiday) but Thanksgiving and Christmas are tied for number one in my book of the most wonderful things in life. I start listening to Christmas music this time of year and don't stop still it's here. Now that it's getting dark earlier (and a lot colder--frost advisory tonight!!!), it always brings back the warm fuzzy feeling of Christmas Eve church service. It's always dark out by the 5:30pm service, and I love looking at all the Christmas lights on the way to church. After service our tradition is that we get to open 1 gift and eat lots of goodies. :)

As if the holiday season couldn't ever get better, it will this year knowing that Maverick will be here by then. He will be so tiny and oblivious to it all, but we can't wait to share it with him!

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