Thursday, October 22, 2009


Having been ordered by the doctor to take it easy this week, I've had plenty of time on my hands. Isn't it funny how when we're overloaded with our normal schedules, all we beg and plead for is just some time to relax?? I think it's funny because now that I've been forced to do nothing all day, I'm craving to do the littlest things. Robbie doesn't let me get away with much, so I've caught up (and then some) on books to read and unfortunately I'm quite knowledgeable of the reality t.v. circuit. I could tell you who was voted off and why for just about any show. :)

This past weekend my family and friends threw the most wonderful baby shower ever for me. I will never, ever be able to say "thank you" enough to them. One of the many amazing gifts I received was from our pastor and his wife. It is a book called "The Complete Book of Christian Parenting & Child Care".

I have to be honest and show a bit of my inner cynic when I say that I'm not one to run to a book for advice about parenting. Not that I have any clue about parenting, but having a Bachelor's degree in Education and working as an educator has proven one thing to me: no book can ever prepare you for the real life situation! That's why I think all colleges should change their education degree programs to all practicum experience rather than waste everyone's time in a lecture hall. (steps down from soap box)

I just wanted to share an excerpt from the book that really encouraged me, and calmed my fears about becoming a parent:
"You will be a good parent. Many of us start our mothering and fathering careers wondering, "Will I be a good parent?" "How will my child turn out?" "Will I be able to raise a godly child?" At this point, don't immediately think of turning to books, classes, or advisers. Tune into yourself--you will realize it is comforting to know that God would not have given you a child without the built in means to raise that child to love and serve the Lord. This would violate the concept of "Creator." God designed within every mother or father the necessary tools to parent their individual child; for example, God would not have given you a child with a temperament that you cannot handle. The key is to discover these built-in tools and use them to develop your skills according to the plan and design that God has for you and your child [...]"

It's scary to think about the world that Maverick will grow up in, and how we will handle that as parents. But really, hasn't sin always been sin? The world is not any more quickly "going to hell in a hand basket" than it was 50 or 200 years ago. But Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. :)

I had some fun (from my chair!) today capturing some of the things I want to remember about the days right before Mav arrives. Here are some of the cards from his baby shower:

I will save my other photos for later, as I will have more time than usual to blog. :)

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