Saturday, March 5, 2011

Parents As Teachers

Maverick had his first "Parents As Teachers" visit the other day, and it was great!  Working with preschoolers, I was already familiar with the program and heard so many great things.  We had a super visit!  Our Parent Educator brought age-appropriate toys and had fun playing with & observing Mav.  It was a great time for us to ask her questions and vice versa.  Robbie had her cracking up with all his fun stories about working with kids 'back in the day'.

 One of our minor concerns was that Maverick speaks only about 3 words, "Momma, Dadda, and Uh-oh".  We know that speaking 3 words is average for his age,  but we also know a lot of friends whose kids talk more than he does.  It was reassuring to hear from her that he is average and normal.  She told us that in the next couple of months his vocab will explode, and that to give him credit for the words he understands but doesn't necessarily speak.  It's funny though--in the past couple of days since the visit, Mav has started using 2 more words "Bye Bye" and "Poop".

 Yes, he says "Poop" ha!  I picked him up to go change him and I was saying "Poopie boy!" And then he started saying "Poop poop poop!".  Lovely, huh?!  Maybe this will help start the whole potty training thing...yikes!  Thankfully we don't have to worry about that for a little bit.

So of course I have to brag about a couple things.  She said Mav was awesome (like all kiddos!).  But she was really impressed with his fine motor skills (being able to put coins in a slot, opening bottles, etc) and also his reading comprehension.  It's funny (to me) to call it reading comprehension because he obviously doesn't read aloud, but he can point to objects when you ask him to find it.  Also, he knows most of his shapes.

I guess reading to him while I was pregnant and since his birth has paid off. :)

1 comment:

Old Grey One said...

Cool entry... hope he doesn't acquire my reading and speelln talents. But of course we are talking about Maverick, so I am sure he will do, let's see... what is the word I am looking for, oh yeah, superfantabulous!!