Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Ode to My Mommy"

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday, the 25th was my momma's birthday.  My sister and I took her out to breakfast, and Maverick pretty much kept the whole section entertained, ha!  And later on everyone came to our house to have ice cream cake, yum!

I know this is pretty cliche, but I never understood how life must have been so crazy raising 3 kids until I had my own...I can't fathom 3!!!  Is it too late to say I'm sorry for all the crazy things my sisters and I did?! :)
I am SO thankful for her and how much she loves me, and how much she still teaches me as I raise Mav.

We quite literally wouldn't be able to survive without her.  It is SUCH a blessing that she loves to watch Mav in the afternoon so that I can work.  I can't imagine having to leave him with somebody other than family. 

I'm also so thankful for my mom taking me to church when I was little, and giving me the example of being a Christian.  I can't even begin to count the hours she spent taking us to (and volunteering at) Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Awanas, etc, etc.  Most of all, she always taught us that it's not important to 'look' like a Christian and be pretentious on Sunday mornings.  It's about showing love and kindness to everyone, every day of the week.

Maverick has the BEST Grandma in the whole history of the world! :)
Happy Birthday, we love you!

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