Saturday, February 26, 2011

Four years ago today...

...was Robbie's radical orchiectomy surgery.

So much about that day was scary and uncertain.  Did he have cancer?  If so, has it spread?  Is he going to live?

There are a few things that stand out about that day.  Mostly how awesome Robbie is.  I don't know that I would have handled it quite the same.  He was the one reassuring me that everything was going to be okay, and if it wasn't, it would still be okay.  We laughed and joked the entire time in pre-op, but that's just how crazy we are.  It's a good way to keep things from getting too intense. 

While he was in surgery I couldn't sit and wait inside.  Whenever life gets too crazy, I have to be outside. And moving.  So I walked around the little park that is next to the hospital.  The sun was setting and the roar of the highway almost sounded like the ocean.  I just walked and walked and walked.  And I prayed.  I was begging God, "please let it not be cancer, please let it not be cancer, please let it not be cancer."

God had different plans, but He walked us all the way through.  As it turned out, it was Stage 4 testicular cancer and it did spread to the lymph nodes above his kidneys.

And here we are 4 years later.  Four years!

It almost seems like a different lifetime.  Robbie is doing wonderfully fantastic.  Sure, there are some lasting effects of the chemo.  He often can think of what he wants to say, but struggles to put it into actual words.  But that's just about the worst of it, and not that bad! :)

And of course there is our amazing son Maverick.

There's just about too many words to describe how blessed we are.

I'm not usually a 'numbers' type of person, but I suppose the number 26 is pretty significant to us.  Robbie's surgery 2/26/07, our wedding date 5/26/07, and Maverick's birthday 11/26/09.

We are so thankful for how God has blessed us the past four years, and we look forward to a lifetime of what is to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will never cease to be amazed at how deeply God loves each of us, individually. Yes, He loved the whole world, but He so longs to have us come to Him to receive such special blessings of which you speak.