Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ready to Fast Forward

...only a few days though!

Poor Maverick has been fighting a couple battles the past couple of days.  First, the doc thinks he has some sort of run-of-the-mill stomach virus (I'm pretty sure that's why I was up puking all night last night).  Except Mav hasn't been's been the other end, blah!

The other battle is a bad reaction to a vaccine he got last week.  Apparently it can take up to 10 days or so for a bad reaction to occur with injections.  His poor little leg has redness and swelling (about a half dollar size) at the injection site; and he has a red rash all over his body.  At this point it's just a wait and see, so I'm ready to fast forward a few days (with the hope that it all goes away).  The doc shared with me that another baby came in with the same reaction to the same vaccine, so they're doing some investigating.

He's never had a bad reaction before, but this is the first time he's received the MMR vaccine.  Doing a tiny bit of google research (I haaaaaaaaaate googling stuff like this because the results are always the most horrific and rare situations out there) I learned that the MMR vaccine quite often causes the child to break out in a rash that looks similar to the measles, but it's not actual measles.

I'm all about vaccines and I think they are one of the (if not the most) important breakthroughs in medicine.  So many lives have been, and continue to be saved with such a simple and relatively low risk procedure.  Many viruses and diseases have been eradicated because of them, and I think it's important that kids and adults get vaccinated.  But I shall step off my box now. :)

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