Saturday, December 18, 2010

Favorite Photo

This is like the best picture ever, ha!  And it will definitely be in that top ten photos for Maverick's wedding.

I am also SO excited about the next picture because:
 1) I actually look sort-of good, ha!  I am not the most photogenic person in the world (that's why I'm always the photographer).
 2) I have only a handful of pictures of Maverick and I, and this one is just so wonderful!  And it's becoming more apparent everyday that Mav is starting to look more and more like his mother...poor kid!!!

Soooooo I haven't started any Christmas shopping.  But that's true Jenni fashion to wait until the week of Christmas.  I do my best work at the last minute (mostly college essays, thank you).  So I'm excited to get it all done this week.

I'm also VERY excited about only having to work 3 days next week, and then being off until January 3rd!  Besides the one sick day I took the week before last, I haven't called in sick or used any vacation days since going on maternity leave.  I think I earned this time off. :)

Monday is my super special birthday.
Not that I'm planning anything super special, or feel extra super special.
But technically--by definition--it's my super special birthday.

According to the playground rules, a super special birthday is when you turn the age of your birth date.  In my case:  my birthday is December 27th, and this year I am turning 27.

I'm still trying to process the fact that I'm going to be 27.  For whatever reason, that just seems a lot older than 26. Ha!

So I've complied a list of possible things to do on my super special birthday.  I may do nothing, something not on the list, or whatever.  Just fun things to think about.

1) Enjoy a nice coffee.  In a coffeehouse.  Possibly read my "stories" while doing so. (It depends if Mav is with me or not)  FYI--my "stories" is what Robbie calls my guilty pleasure of tabloid magazines.

2) Bake a cake, and put it on display in very seldom used cake dome.

3) Go to a store that I normally can't afford and try on clothes I wouldn't normally try on.  Just for fun. :)

4) Write a letter to myself about the past year, and make aspirations for the next.  (I sort of do this anyway. I've kept a diary since I was in 5th grade)

5) Send my parents a thank you card.  Now that I'm a mommy, I've realized I have a lot of catching up to do on thanking them for all their hard work invested in me. :)

1 comment:

Old Dude said...

So you didn't like my caption... Maverick meet Santa,
Santa meet Maverick,
and Mom just pose for the picture
Everyone at work thought that was a great picture!!! Another nice entry... Thanks!!!