Thursday, December 17, 2009

Robbie vs. The Garbage Disposal

About a week ago we noticed that our garbage disposal stopped working. We figured something must have clogged it, but it turned out to be "its time". It was kaput, working no more, on its way to the appliance heaven in the sky.

Last night Robbie went out and purchased a new garbage disposal and got to work replacing the old one. As with most home improvement situations in our house--things are always worse than first anticipated. In this case it was discovering that the old disposal was rusted badly, so all the parts were stuck together.

As Robbie was trying to get the old disposal detached, it fell unexpectedly and his hand wasn't ready to catch it. I was in the other room when I heard the loud "thunk" quickly followed by a teeth grinding growl. The edge of the rusty disposal pinned Robbie's hand to the floor, specifically landing on the middle finger knuckle.

Oh the amount of pain he was in!!! Poor Robbie was concerned about waking the baby by yelling, but I told him to let it out!! The gash in his finger warranted waking the baby if needed. However, Maverick was completely unfazed (as expected) by the whole scene.

I didn't take a picture of his finger, which is probably a good thing. The gash went to the bone and he probably broke his finger. Robbie treated it with alcohol and antibiotic ointment so it wouldn't get infected. He waited until this morning to get it seen by the doctor but by then it was too late to get stitches because it had started to heal.

Tomorrow he gets an x-ray to see if its broken, or if its tendon damage. I know this sounds funny, but hopefully its broken because that's easier to deal with than tendon damage.

After all that, he still got the new disposal installed last night. Thankfully our brother-in-law was already stopping by, so he helped him. Plus Robbie's dad also came over to help remove the rest of the old rusty parts.

Never a dull moment around here!

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