At the risk of sounding way too cheesy and overdone, I must say that Robbie and I look to the Bible as our "instruction book" for life. (anyone else picture the bumper sticker on a Crown Victoria?) There, I've brought the cheese! Granted I've never read a passage about teething or soothing diaper rash in there. But I have read that God will give you wisdom if you ask.
But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. James 1:5-7 (NAS)
My inspiration for this post came from some self-induced stress. During the many (many!) moments I spend feeding my son, I often need to entertain my brain. That sounds awful because I know that feeding time is bonding time. Lots of bonding going on, no worries!
I'm referring more to feeding time that occurs between 12 am to 6 am, when I need to keep myself awake. So I usually flip on the tv for some ambient noise, and I often grab a book too. Over the past few weeks I've read books on parenting styles and what to expect raising an infant. The result: feeling more confused and insecure than ever.
Going into the parenting world I've never really had crazy expectations for myself. I figured that I'd learn as I go. And I am. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to educate myself on techniques other people have tried, hence the reading material.
Let's pick the topic of crying. One very popular parenting style says "you will teach your child to control your life forever if you pick them up when they cry; from day 1 you should let them cry themselves to sleep as to not let them become dependant on you".
Another very popular parenting style says "from birth to 3 months you can never spoil your child; crying is their only way to communicate--when you ignore their cry they are deprived of their sense of security".
No wonder new parents go crazy! I'm as new at this parenting thing as you can get, so I'm not claiming to be any source of wisdom yet. But I do believe with everything in life, it's all about moderation. Extreme is extreme for a reason. I think it will be possible to discover what works for your child without compromising your sanity or your child's development.
With that said, I am kinda proud that Maverick is "sort of" sitting with his head up! He loves to sit in his Bumbo seat and stare at the ceiling fan. He also much prefers to be held so that he has to use his neck muscles, rather than lay sideways in my arms.
Although I should mention this was our first attempt, ha! I snapped the picture just as his head sunk forward. Once I tucked a blanket in the back of the seat he was able to balance himself better. :)
Ah, just provide to Maverick what Maverick needs... which is simpliar terms, every child is different, which is why you as the parent will recognize, and respond to your childs needs accordingly. The "experienced" parent who said you will teach your child to control your life forever if you pick them up when they cry; from day 1 you should let them cry themselves to sleep as to not let them become dependant on you" is probably the same parent who said "from birth to 3 months you can never spoil your child; crying is their only way to communicate--when you ignore their cry they are deprived of their sense of security"... one was for their first child and the second was for their second child. As a parent there really isn't a right and wrong way,(except for the obvious) just the way that best serves the needs of your child... that is in part that makes parenting so rewarding.
Finally got to read this blog. I whole-heartedly agree - the Bible truly is the answer for everything. The two of you will learn the different cries of Maverick and all of them require a response - even when it comes time for the "no-response" response. But, you will learn what pushes his little buttons and will then also learn when he is pushing the buttons. One thing I think about is what draws me into a secure, loving relationship with God - I think Grace and Mercy are right up there with His righteous judgements. Discipline is essential, but if Grace & Mercy are totally left out of the picture, then we are not communicating God's love in our lives. Jesus told us that He is sent the Holy Spirit to bring His Words to our rememberance and to guide us. So, you are totally on the right track.
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