Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Rubick" update :)

Week: 19 weeks and 2 days

Belly Button, in or out: Still an innie. I don't suppose the answer to this question will change for quite a while.

Wedding Ring, on or off: Still fits really well!

Food cravings: I am excited because I am actually enjoying food now! My latest craving has been crab rangoon (very specifically from the chinese food place down the street) Yum!

Food aversions: I tend to lay off ice cream (VERY sad for me!) because my stomach hasn't been digesting it well.

Nausea: Usually only when my stomach is empty.

Energy level: It came back really strong a couple weeks ago, but now I've gone back to daily naps.

Weight gain: I was excited to learn that I'm almost my pre-pregnancy weight! (first 16 weeks came with awful nausea and vomiting)

Moods: I balled myself to sleep the other night when Robbie stubbed his toe on the bed. I felt so bad for him because he had just finished cleaning the house so I could sleep.

Maternity clothes: I should be wearing them more often, but I've successfully rigged my old pants/shorts to accommodate. (this only works with longer shirts!)

Size of Baby: Weighs about 8.5 ounces, and measures about 6 inches. About the size of a large heirloom tomato.

Changes with Baby this week: the baby's sensory development is rapidly growing; it may be able to hear mom and dad's voice; the arms and legs are proportional to the body now; the skin begins to coat with a waxy material to prevent "pickling" by the amniotic fluid. (this is my favorite)

In other news: I've been feeling the baby move more often, mostly in the evening. I can't wait for Robbie to feel him/her. Every time he tries to feel the baby, nothing happens. I try to "will" the baby to move with my mind...but no success. I suppose we should get used to our kid not listening to us. :)

At my appointment yesterday Rubick had a fantastic heartbeat! (144-150 BPM) The doctor didn't have to hunt for it this time. The baby is also growing right on schedule as well.

Updated preggo pics to come soon. Robbie has the camera at work, so I will upload a 19 week photo soon. :) But until then, here is my 16 week photo:

Here is an updated photo: Almost 20 weeks!

1 comment:

old grey one said...

Good update, thanks!!!! And tell Robbie to quit stubbing his toes, it will make him pedal in circles.