Friday, July 17, 2009

So that's where we left the backyard!

My goal is to make this a more comprehensive blog other than only baby news, but quite honestly there is nothing else on the home front that is too exciting. I will mention that our backyard has finally been conquered! I was going to take a picture of how tall the grass and weeds were...but it was a bit too embarrassing. (you know, because talking about it isn't?!) We had to call in the professionals with the mega-mowers, and even they had to mow it twice. I will leave it to your imagination to picture the post-apocalyptic scene.

Thank goodness we had a tall privacy fence shielding the neighborhood from the amazonian scenery! Our house is a corner lot near the entrance of the subdivision. I think we would have been run out of town if other people besides our ever-patient next door neighbors would have seen it. We have very elderly neighbors on both sides, who I'm sure just shake their heads and raise their fists at us "young kids" from their windows.

I'm usually the lawn mower, but with the extreme heat and everything, I just didn't feel comfortable mowing being pregnant and all. Poor Robbie has the craziest work schedule, so the hours he has available usually aren't conducive for lawn work. Of course when he clears his schedule to tackle the lawn, the Lord sees fit to make it rain. Fortunately the front yard doesn't grow as fast as the back, and it gets first priority when Robbie can get to it.

Anywho, I guess I'll move on to some cute baby stuff. This shirt was given to us by our friends and I bought some cute camo shorts to go with it:

No matter if its a boy or girl, this will be a fantastic outfit! By my dad's effort, our kid will have plenty of camouflage clothing. :)

Here is "Rubick's" first set of wooden blocks. I was shopping with my mom and absolutely had to get it. Robbie LOVES sushi and I can't wait for him to spend time playing with Rubick teaching him/her about sushi:

Lastly, I want to mention an article I read this morning on a study saying that the more unusual name you give your kid (specifically boys), the more likely they will be a juvenile delinquent. It said boys who are given girly names (Boy Named Sue, anybody?) are most likely to grow up with an angst against society for making fun of them their whole life and will terrorize the streets.

I thought about this, and the name Maverick we picked out for a boy. I didn't see Maverick on the top 10 of any of the lists given in this article...but then again Maverick usually isn't on the top 10 of any list because its so rare. It has definitely crossed my mind that we may be asking for trouble naming our kid "Wildly Independent"--meaning of Maverick.

But I don't care, it is such a strong name and we love it! We want our kids to be independent thinkers, and risk-takers. Parents are there to guide, love, support, and nurture them through it.


Old man said...

So you want to have a risk taking, free thinking, sushi loving, camo wearing wildly independent "Rubick"...

Jenni and Robbie said...

I know, I know, we sound like hippies. Don't worry I won't have your grandchild wearing clothes made from plants, or have them running free without rules. :)