Monday, July 27, 2009

Nursery Theme

When I changed the background of the blog, I was excited to find this theme. Not so much the leaves, but the colors. Robbie and I have decided to use black and green as our colors for the nursery, without a specific character or idea. Just black and green. We chose to do this because we really like those colors, and in case there is a Baby C #2 in the future that isn't the same gender as Baby C #1, we can re-use everything.

Not that we are going to go all super crazy decorating the baby's room--we're too practical for our own good. Number one: the baby isn't going to care, and when they are old enough to care, they will probably want to change it anyway. Number two: decorating costs money...and we don't have much! :)

Speaking of which, I've begun the task of registering for baby stuff. Haven't gotten very far though. At first I thought it was too early to register (and it might be), but I just wanted to begin the process so that I'm not rushing in the end. (Our wedding was fully planned and implemented 4 months in advance)

So here are the problems I'm running into while registering for baby stuff:
1. It is almost impossible to find "plain" blankets, sheets, clothes, etc. Everything has some sort of animal or character. Which is super cute--don't get me wrong. But we like just plain black and green.
2. It is almost impossible to find anything that is black and green. There is TONS of stuff that is chocolate brown and green. Maybe we're making this too hard on ourselves.

Overall though, everything is waaaaaay too exciting to think about trying to find black and green stuff. I just can't wait 'till baby Rubick is here!!! Only 4-ish more months to go. (does that seem like an eternity to anyone else??)

1 comment:

Old grey one said...

If you tell everyone "camo stuff", that will coodinate with your color scheme.... just a thought.