Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Is this for the dog, or the parents?

Over the weekend I went garage sale-ing (or sailing??) with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law for baby stuff. I was super excited to find a gently used changing table for only $25! Unfortunately I think that getting up at 6am, and then running around on (literally) the hottest day of the year was too much for me. I went home early sick. But Jo and Patty were awesome and they kept on sailing.

Amongst many awesome gifts (bathtub, portable bassinet, clothes, etc) was this CD.

It is a soundtrack of various baby noises from cooing to screaming that you play for your dog as background noise, so that they get used to the sounds the baby will make. Experts say that noise can often be a stress trigger for animals.

From babysitting to having friends over with babies/young kids, we are pretty sure that Belle will be cool when the baby arrives. She may sulk a little bit, but that is to be expected. So when Johanna gave me the CD, I told her that it would be fun to see what Belle would do, but my money was on her not reacting at all. And I was right.

I put the CD on our surround-sound system and her ears didn't even twitch. When it got to the track when the baby is blood-curdling screaming, she opened one eye...and then went back to sleep. I, on the other hand, had to leave the room because it was sooooooooo annoying! This CD may work better for US getting used to all that noise!

I'm sure that once there is an actual living, breathing, baby in the house Belle will be curious. She gets the first sniff when we bring stuff home. But I think she is going to be a great "Big Sister". :)

1 comment:

Holden P Long said...

Does the CD teach you to get up 5 times a night as well??? You might try that first over getting use to all that "annoying" noise... you will soon find out that the noise is the easy part.