Monday, December 29, 2008

Pretend like...

Remember the days of using your imagination? I mean really using your imagination. Not just daydreaming. (not to say daydreaming is bad because I love to do it quite frequently) Back when almost every sentence you spoke to your friends started with "Pretend like..."

I was reminiscing about this today at work. The weather was unusually warm today, so it gave us a rare moment to take our students outside for recess this afternoon. It was so awesome to watch a group of kids create a volcanic adventure out of a pile of mulch. Everything was, "Pretend like we have shoes that won't melt" or "Pretend like we need to crawl through rocks". It was awesome. I know that our students usually play like this, so I don't know why it struck me this much today. Probably because I'm getting old.

Here is another fantastic story from today at work. I didn't witness it, but I was told that one of our students put a worm in her mouth to prove her honor. Amazing. Just another day at the office!

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