Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Graveyard

As I type, we are waiting for the brunt of some winter weather to slam in less than 12 hours. Right now it is a balmy 57 degrees, and the low tonight is supposed to be around 18 with rain switching to ice and snow. Just in time for the morning commute! Fun! (Not!!) I need to go to the store, but I'm afraid that it will be kinda crazy. Even though we are all used to this type of weather around here, I don't know anyone who likes to travel in it.

Anywho, thanks to all of those who gave me advice concerning conflict resolution on the blog or in person. I got some really good ideas that I am going to try!!

I thought you all would like to enjoy the scene below. I see it almost everyday, and I still can't decide whether I love it or hate it. I encourage you to click on it so see the picture more close up. There are A LOT of decorations you can't see as a small picture.
Unfortunately this picture doesn't do the decorating justice. The lights on the house and inside the lawn characters change to music, so a lot of lights aren't lit in this shot. The picture also isn't very good because I was trying to be inconspicuous while taking it. Although--I think you surrender some rights when you decorate your house like this. Robbie calls it "Christmas graveyard" because he thinks that is where all Christmas decorations go to die.

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