Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Happy First Week of Fall!

For those of you out there in Bloggy Land, Happy First Week of Fall! Here are a couple pictures of the weather right now in good ol' St. Louis. The weather has been unusually consistent, and a little warmer than what you would expect in the fall. But we'll take it!!! Before we know it we will need to warm up our cars for 30 minutes and shovel the snow off the driveway.

The arrival of fall comes with excitement and dread. I will start out the dread and end with the excitement.

The Dread of Fall in St. Louis:
Really, there is no blame on Fall except that it comes before winter. And winter in St. Louis means teeth chattering, frigid air that slices your skin. The aches that come from shoveling the snow knowing it will all be covered back up tomorrow. Driving in the snow is a whole other blogging event that I don't even want to think about right now.

The Excitement of Fall in St. Louis:
The sweet relief from the blistering heat in the form of cool, crisp air. The air smells like crunchy leaves (just hang with me on that one!). Picking apples and pumpkins from the local farms is incredible. Wearing your favorite sweatshirt outside for the first time since early spring, but you don't need a hat or gloves. Getting an extra hour of sleep when we "fall back" our clocks. Enjoying candy corn while watching Halloween movies. Carving pumpkins! And the MOST spectacular food holiday ever invented: THANKSGIVING! (I realize/respect that Thanksgiving is much, much, more than food...but it really does offer a once-a-year occasion to enjoy delectable foods without guilt!!)

An item that fits into dread and excitement:
Rams Football. For obvious reasons, we St. Louisans are dreading the start of football season. We ask ourselves, "Is it really that bad?"
And the answer is, "Did you really have to ask that question?"
To put salt in this wound, our beloved baseball team is not going to make the playoffs this year. So this leaves nothing to look forward to except the good munchies at football parties. (Hence--the reason for Rams football being in the excitement category.)

Happy Fall!

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