Friday, September 12, 2008

That Cart

How is it that we always get "that cart" when we go grocery shopping?

Immediately they greet you. Immediately the confrontation is on. And no, I'm not talking about the greeters at wally world. It is the inevitable cart selection pressure that starts as soon as you walk in the front door. You want to pick the right cart that is free of blemish, and full of promises for a quiet and smooth shopping trip. Unfortunately the cart selection process usually has to occur in a few split seconds because there are 5 people behind you with screaming kids or they are on a time crunch to get to their next errand.

You look for the tell-tale signs of the cart not to choose. For instance, rusty parts or a sure sign of abandonment like newspaper ads paper-mached to the bottom. Sometimes you are lucky enough to get an omen to telling you to not pick a cart before you are stuck with it. Like when you go to pull the cart away from the row, and it won't budge. Right away you should just give up and move to the next one available.

I am unfortunate enough to always get stuck with a jalopy cart despite my best efforts to avoid one. Typically the symptoms don't show until you are too far away from the cart corral to exchange it for a new one. "That cart" is plagued with a ridiculously loud noise. The noise comes from a squeaking wheel set, or I've even had a cart with a rear wheel (the load bearing wheels) with a piece missing so it clunks on the linoleum floor as it goes round and round.

"That cart" has steering situations in which it either pulls too strong to the left or right. Just last night I had a cart that refused to steer left, and without a large amount of effort would severely turn right. (usually on top of my toes)

I've noticed that whenever I happen to get stuck with "that cart" I tend to get glances of sympathy/relief from other shoppers. They know the feeling of having "that cart" and would never ostracize you for it, yet they are all too glad that its not them pushing it around.

Anyone else out there have a good "that cart" story? Consider participating in this public service announcement if you do!

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