Friday, October 5, 2012

An Extraordinary Ordinary Night

Tonight was just one of those nights that I don't ever want to forget.

About a week ago when it looked all but certain that the Cardinals would be playing in the inaugural Wild Card Game, my mom and I were already planning our traditional family Cards game party.  For all the big ones--Opening Day, All Star Game, Playoffs; and all the little ones in between during the season; our tradition is enjoying Cecil Whittakers Pizza and watching the game.  Opening Day is usually celebrated at the restaurant, and we bring it home for the Playoffs because we can get kinda rowdy...make that really rowdy, ha!

Cardinals baseball is such an integral part of our family.  It's kinda hard to is...and it isn't so much about the actual game.  Everyone shares the same excitement and love for it, and rattling off all sorts of quirky stats and such. 

The best thing about it all, is the memories we make.  Every family has that one special thing.  Ours is Cardinals baseball.

Going into tonight, I knew I wasn't going to be too upset if they lost.  I cared more about spending time with my mom, and the rest of our family.  Just the opportunity to all be together, and to not take for granted the time we have.  The one thing I forgot about, was that my mom had chemotherapy scheduled today.  I knew she had another treatment soon, but couldn't quite remember when.  So when she called to say they would be late getting home due to a longer than normal chemo session, I felt bad for forgetting.  I didn't want her to feel like we had to keep our plans, I wanted her to be able to come home and relax.  But she was adamant about still having our little party, and told us to let ourselves into their house and they'd meet us there.

Her only hesitation was having Maverick see her for the first time with her new hairdo.  In less than a week, it had all pretty much fallen out.  She was so apprehensive about upsetting Mav, and cared so much about HIS feelings, just like the best grandma that she is.

This was just last Saturday, when Mav went over to their house to pick his pumpkin out of my Dad's garden.  He was so excited to bring it inside and show Grandma!

My Mom is the most brave person I know, and today was a huge step in her journey.  She asked my Dad to shave (buzz) her hair since it was falling out so rapidly.  I know that it didn't come without many tears and heartache.  Even though she knew this day would come, and that it's just a temporary side effect of the medicine, it's incredibly difficult as a woman to lose your hair.

When my mom walked into the house, Mav kinda took a second glance but didn't seem too concerned.  He went right back to playing with his Hotwheels.  A few minutes later, he stood up and went over to her and stared for a little bit longer. 

And then he said, "Grandma fix her hair?"
My mom replied, "Yeah, I fixed my hair."
Mav, "Grandma use the buzzers?"
Mom, "Yep, Grandma used the buzzers.  Do you like it?"
Mav, "Yes!"

And that was that.  Mav and Grandma played with his dump trucks and cars again.  It completely melted my heart.  I was so blessed by how relieved my mom felt, and so blessed by my son's natural ability to look past appearances.

Shortly thereafter my Mom asked if I could take her picture and post it on Facebook.  I think she was just really ready to get the big reveal out of the way--it was important for her and dealing with the enormity of it all.  I am so proud of her!!!  Love you so much Momma! 

The rest of the night we spent on pins and needles watching the most crazy, crazy, playoff game ever.  (My Dad is still arguing that it was NOT a playoff game.  He refuses to accept the new Wild Card system, ha!)  Mav was having an awesome time watching all the adults in his life yell at the tv, haha!  He also had SO much fun playing with Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Robyn.  His little cheeks were pink from all the excitement.

I'm not one to think that sports games are all that important to God.  At least, not in the way that we'd hope while we're pleading for our team to win in the most desperate moment.  But I do know that God loves us in an incredible way, and that He cares about the things we care about.  Like I said, I knew tonight would be great even if the Cards lost.  An evening full of amazing family memories.  But maybe...just maybe...God helped us out a little bit more than the Braves on behalf of my mommy. ;) 

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh, Jenni. Your mom is such an inspiration! I'm praying for all of you as you walk this journey. And I'm so proud of Maverick! I love how toddlers have the ability to give us perspective - things that are a huge deal to us just roll off their backs. (and then they melt down over a cracker)