Sunday, September 9, 2012

The past few weeks or so...

This is looking like it's going to be a long post, so go grab your favorite beverage and a comfy seat, haha!  That's what happens I guess when you slack on blogging.  Oh well.  :)

Like everything that is this blog, this post is no different.  Just a bunch of mundane...yet big stuff...that I want to have help remembering someday.  It's one of my favorite ways to record family memories.

Maverick had his first Parents As Teachers visit of the new school year last week, and we officially started Sawyer too!  PAT does provide prenatal counseling, so it was fun to do that in our visit as well.  For Mav, we set our goals for the new school year, and reflected on the ones we set for last year.  This year we set 2 goals: fully potty trained and sharing toys.  Pretty big things for an almost 3 year old, ha!  He is a pretty good share-er, but there's always room for improvement.

Mrs. Sally (named changed) brought with her this little animal hospital.  All the doors were a different color, and the only way to unlock them was to use the corresponding color key.  Only my son would hold up the wrong key color--on purpose--and laugh about trying to use the wrong key to open the door.  He'd say, "Nooooooh, wrong one!"  Eventually the lure of the little animals inside was too irresistible, and he would use the right key.  Oh man...every teacher's dream student, haha!

This little guy is something else I tell ya.  But my wonderful little guy. :)  (He wanted to use his giant crayon that is a piggy bank to color with, ha!)

On the potty front, I think we've finally cornered a big twist.  He's been great about getting on (and going) when asked.  But he's never vocalized when he feels like he needs to get changed...which leads to vocalizing when he feels the need to go potty.  So, so, so many times I'd leave his diaper off and it wouldn't phase him in the slightest when he wet himself.  Until now!  When he goes #2, he tells us right away that he wants to get changed.  Progress! 

I know I'm setting an unrealistic expectation, but I want to focus hardcore on potty training during my maternity leave.  It will be the only large chunk of time that I will be at home all day to keep things consistent.  Let's hope it goes well!

It would be awesome if he could learn to potty train as fast as he learned to navigate the internet.  Yep.  That's right--the internet.  Scary, huh?!  Haha!  One afternoon I went on the Thomas and Friends website.  Mav was next to me and asked to play one of the games.  I was like, "Sure!  You don't know how to use a go for it!"

Not only did he teach himself how to correctly click with the mouse, but also to use the arrow keys simultaneously to play a game.  Ummm, okay?!  10 minutes later he figured out how to navigate the entire website, and could choose different games to play., yeah.  And Thomas' website leads to  So he can navigate that site too.  Crazy, crazy!

The other day I just happened to snap a few pictures of Mav napping, and I'm so glad I did since it ended up being one of the last times he slept in his crib/toddler bed.

Also, on what ended up being his last night in that bed, he was having a rough night and I ended up laying next to him on the floor for most of the night.  That is way out of the norm, but I think he was having nightmares.  Just kind of a heart warming memory to have. :)

One of the last huge pieces of things-to-do-before-the-baby-is-born, was to move Mav into a bigger bed so we could convert his bed back into the crib.  We've been shopping around for weeks, but never found anything in our price range that was also what we wanted.  Until yesterday!!  We found an awesome twin mattress (way too comfy for a toddler, ha!) for a great price.  We're just doing a twin mattress on the floor to start, and then add a frame later.

Even though we plan on the baby sleeping next to our bed for the first few months, we didn't want to make the switch after he arrives.  That way Mav doesn't feel like his bed was stolen, haha.  So not only was Mav SUPER excited about his new bed, he helped us take his old bed into the baby's room without us asking.

I distracted Mav long enough for Robbie to bring the mattress into his room.  Then I said, "Mav, your big boy bed is here! Today is the day!"  (we've been talking to him about it for a while)  This was his reaction:

Mav was jumping with excitement while daddy cut off all the plastic.

I kid you not, this was the first thing he did when it was time to test it out.  So precious! ;)

And then--the most important test: it's trampoline ability, ha!

I have to admit, I got teary eyed.  My sweet little baby is now sleeping on a twin mattress!  Oh my gosh time flies...  It's a good thing we have another baby on the way to fill the crib, haha!  I don't know what I'm going to do when Sawyer gets too big for the crib/toddler bed.  Probably make him sleep in it until he breaks. :)

Later on we all went together to buy some sheets and a new pillow.  Mav didn't really care two cents about which color or design of sheets.  He was more interested in playing hide & seek in the aisle.  His friends Carolina and Elizabeth taught him how to play the other night at Aunt Jo & Uncle Jon's new place, and ever since that's all he wants to play.

Now the task of rearranging his room and going through that giant toy box.  A lot of his baby toys are on the bottom, so those will eventually make their way to Sawyer's room. 

Okay, last thing on the updated blog agenda: progress on Sawyer's room!  This has been quite the process.  Mostly because we were storing a ton of junk in there.  And it's only taken the excitement of a new baby to motivate us to go through it all, and organize our storage.  Not only have we organized that room--but also our basement!!!  Miracles do happen!

Here's what his room looked like to begin with (no judgemental eyes please, lol!).  Actually, this was after we had already removed some stuff...

View of the other side of the room.  The book shelves are still there, I have no idea how I'm gonna organize all of those.  It's a mix of all my favorite books from my childhood (my parents saved them, woo hoo!) and children's books I get all the time from work.  The library in the elementary school I work in goes through their inventory twice a year, and staff gets first pick before they donate the rest.  It's SOO dangerous for me, ha!

This is how it has looked for a few weeks.  Not too terrible, but still some work.  Also, as we took stuff out of the room--we brought in baby storage. :)  I washed & folded all my newborn-6 month clothing, and put it in the closet.  Loved, loved, LOVED that part!

The closet is (for the most part) is actually cleaned out!!  Except my wedding dress.  Still figuring that one out.  But now we can put the baby clothes in there.  That itty, bitty camo jacket hanging up was Mav's first jacket. :)

This is what his room looks like today!!  Still need to move a few things in there, and add little details...but for the most part...ready for a baby!

Maverick did climb in the crib...but he was only wanting to bounce on it like a trampoline.  He keeps saying it's a baby bed for Sawyer and that he has a big boy bed.  Let's hope he doesn't try to bounce on it while Sawyer is laying in there! ;)

I'm officially 29 weeks today.  Not too much longer, which is still just so unfathomable to me!  I'm going to have 2 sons!

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