Sunday, August 26, 2012

27 weeks today

With the 3rd trimester coming next week, I just wanted to spend a short moment writing little things down to remember about this pregnancy.  Little things that make it so special, but are easy to forget down the road.

--Weight gain overall: about 11 or 12 pounds.  At my last appointment my doctor mentioned that I had only gained 1 pound last month, so she wanted to see it start going up.  Enjoying the sound of that, because I know it will be the last time to hear that from a doctor!

--It's funny that my doctor said that I need to start gaining weight on pace, because I feel huuuuuuge.  Like, my tummy skin hurts.  And I have no idea how it's going to hold up for roughly 13 more weeks!  I slather all sorts of lotions on it all day and that seems to help.

--Also funny: that random strangers think I'm going to give birth any moment.  Their jaws drop when I tell them I'm not due until November.  The end of November. 

--I think I'm just going to start wearing a shirt that says my due date so I can avoid the awkward conversation.

--Sawyer has been moving like crazy, crazy, crazy!  It's fun to just sit and watch my stomach move all by itself.  Kinda creepy...but fun.  I like to set the remote control or the iPad on my tummy and watch him move it around.  Again, since I feel like my skin is going to burst any moment it's a little painful.

--Two words: LEG CRAMPS!  It's like clockwork to have them wake me up in the middle of the night.  To make them stop I have to get out of bed and do calve stretches.  Ouch.

--Increasing hip/pelvic pain.  Should only get worse from here, haha. 

--Everytime I stand up, I feel like I need to go potty.  Baby is sure running out of room in there!

--Speaking of standing up, it is increasingly difficult to do so, ha! Especially from sitting on the floor. :)

--Food!!!  I've definitely hit the 1st breakfast, 2nd breakfast, 1st lunch, 2nd lunch, 1st dinner, and 2nd dinner schedule. (fans of "The Office" should hopefully get that)

--When I wake up in the middle of the night with a leg cramp, I'm ever so tempted to go eat something.  It seems like I'm always hungry.

--Cravings/favorite foods: Mexican!  Hmmm...and steak.  And pasta.  And coffee.

--Huge praise to the Lord: I do NOT have gestational diabetes!!!!!  In so, so, so many ways I'm thankful.  God knew that I would need one less thing to be concerned with right now.

--Now that delivery day is on the horizon, I'm starting to feel a little apprehensive.  I keep praying for a safe delivery.  I'm just a little freaked out because of what happened with Mav.  He was stuck in the birth canal for a while, and they were trying just about everything to get him out.  Thankfully, just before they were going to use the vacuum, he made it out.  But he was in distress.  It seemed like an eternity before I heard him cry.  And the fetal heart specialist had to rush in.  One of the scariest moments of my life.  Thankfully he recovered well and didn't have to go to the NICU or anything.  Praying that Sawyer makes a lot less dramatic (and faster) appearance.

--Totally still aren't no where near ready for the baby to arrive.  I think at this point with Mav, we had the nursery set up and were pretty much ready to go.  Not only do we still need to get Mav a bigger bed so we can convert his bed back into the crib for the baby, but the room that we had cleaned out for the nursery has accumulated some stuff again.  All the baby clothes are still in the basement.  Agh!  Good thing we have the pack 'n play...

In short, life has come to a screeching halt this past week.  I feel like I can't blog about it yet.  It's just too much in too many ways.  Taking each moment as it comes, as it is all I (and my family) can do right now.  In all, I continually seek God for refuge.  I am so thankful for my parents and what they have instilled in me, and how much I see Christ in them during this trial.

Just as a short update for those who may not know, and who can join us in prayer: my Mom has been diagnosed with advanced angiosarcoma.  It is a very rare, and aggressive cancer.  Less than 1% of all cancer patients have been diagnosed with this type.  Please pray for my family during this difficult time.

Praising God in the highs and lows...we want Him to be glorified.     

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