Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Second Birthday!

Today is Mr. Maverick William's Second birthday!

How did we go from this:

To this:

So stinkin' quickly?!
(this was Mav's awesome birthday morning pjs look, ha!)

The first thing he did after he jumped out of bed was run down the hallway yelling for birthday cake, ha!  He helped me mix and bake his birthday cake (and cupcakes) the night with the added coaching from us about his birthday being tomorrow...I think made him excited when he woke up! 

A few minutes later he said, "Touch cupcake".  I thought he was asking but apparently he was telling me he had already poked his finger through one.  So I let him eat it for breakfast.  It is his birthday afterall. :)

His birthday was a transportation theme since he LOVES all things vehicle.  I had grand ideas for decorating, but as the week wore on with all the craziness of Thanksgiving, I lost my steam.  Plus he is only 2 afterall...and won't remember, ha!  Thanks to Pinterest I was able to do a couple cute things.

This is the banner I made, which was super easy since I have access to a die cut machine at work.  It's great in case I want to use it again, just have to replace the 2 with a 3.  :)

I thought my table turned out pretty cute, and it was so easy to make.  Just a plastic green table cloth, and the runner was simply black construction paper with yellow construction paper rectangles glued down the middle.  Add some cars he already owned (I bought the tractors for 25 cents each), and some traffic light inspired plates & napkins...ta da!

Mav liked it so much he played with his cars on it until the party started!
...and maybe went a little too "godzilla" on the poor street...

Mav also noticed his banner right away, and kept saying, "Mamick letters!"
Mamick is how he says his name. :)

I also didn't do a super awesome cake like I did last year.  Man, I'm really slacking!  But I figured a simple vanilla sprinkle cake would be fantastic.  

Mav has been pretend practicing to blow out a candle for a few weeks now, so he was super excited when it finally came time.  He waited so patiently during the song, I love his face!

Mav received so many super fantastic gifts.  This was pretty much his face the entire time, ha!  When he gets really excited about something, he covers his eyes.  It's like its too much to bear. :)
(btw--that Mater truck is actually a bubble blower that you push...and it makes a loud engine noise...and Mav has been pushing it around the house now for about 6 hours nonstop...thanks mom and dad!)

This year's cake eating was much less messy, but still fun!  It was a fun day to celebrate our son, and we're so thankful to everyone who came and celebrated with us.  We love you!

Lastly, I had to include a picture of our Christmas tree now that it is fully decorated and sort of leaning, ha!  I love that the ornaments are half from my childhood, and half from Robbie's a few for Maverick. :)

Alright.  Now I'm going to attempt to sleep for a long time.  I'm exhausted from all this partying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. You are too stinkin' cute, too!