Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maverick at 4 months

Okay, so I'm a little behind on the blogging front. Maverick turned 4 months old on March 26th. He just went to the doctor today for his 4 month well check-up. And the doctor proved what we've thought all along: Mav is awesome. :)

Since I don't have time to upload a gazillion pictures, I'm just gonna upload his 2 month photos to compare to his 4 month photos. What a difference!!!

Maverick is rolling around in every direction possible. He keeps himself awake at night because he wants to roll everywhere. I put him on his back to sleep, but I'm not all the way turned around by the time he's rolled on to his tummy. He's got every inch of that crib covered by morning!

The doc was kinda suprised that he's already so mobile. He's even already wanting to sit up. He HATES laying down on his back. Even in his carseat he is grunting away doing "baby crunches" trying to sit up.

His knees are pink in his 4 month pictures because of what he does while he is on his tummy. It's rather hilarious! He bears all his weight on his head/shoulders, and sticks his booty in the air; then tries to push himself around by kicking his legs. If only he'd learn to put more weight on his arms, then he'd be crawling!

Here's what Maverick is up to these days:

-I weigh 14 lbs 11 oz (45%)
-I am 25 1/4 inches long (70%)
-My head circumference is 42 cm (45%)
-At the doctor I took my 4 shots like a stud. I cried at first, but within a minute I was actually smiling at the nurse! The nurse said she's never seen that before!

-I wear size 3-6 month clothes. My sleepers are akward because I'm so tall, but not chubby enough to fill them out.
-I wear size 2 diapers.
-Now that the weather is getting warmer, I love being as naked as possible.

-I LOVE to drive my Jeep! (just like my dad)
-I really like standing while mom or dad holds my hands.

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